- backup all direct messages (1:1)
- backup all private / team chanels
- normalize the data and present it in a useful format
The python script in this repo does support extracting public data as well, but I am going to skip this. It's trivial for a slack admin to get the entire public export. There are already a variety of tools that work well with the public chanel export. Like this wonderful flask app.
Thanks to github user minniel for collecting the two gists that power this. I only made small changes hacks to the python script to handle errors and rate-limit the requests to the slack API.
There's a few parts to this whole thing.
- set up your dependencies
- get an API token
- extract everything from the slack API
- combine it into a useful package
Make sure you have the necessary software installed to do this.
php version:
$:php -v
PHP 5.6.30 (cli) (built: Oct 29 2017 20:30:32)
Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies
python version:
$:python3 --version
Python 3.6.2
osx version:
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.12.6
BuildVersion: 16G1212
I've not done a whole lot of testing and i'm not going to do a whole lot of support. I'll merge your PR's though.
- get this repo cloned
$ cd ~
$ mkdir slack_exports
$ cd slack_exports
$ git clone git@github.com:kquinsland/slack-private-messages-exporter.git
# or https://github.com/kquinsland/slack-private-messages-exporter.git
- set up venv & load dependencies into venv
$ python3 -m venv ./venv
(venv) $ pip3 install slacker
get an API token from here (Legacy tokens | Slack)
run the exporter!
This will take a long time!
- I have ~ 3 years of slack history
- sack's API lets you get 100 messages at a time
- you can make an api call about once every second
- i had the best results when waiting 2 seconds per API call
- it took a little under 2 hours for me to get my DM, MPDM, and private chanels!
There is zero support for resuming an export!
- Do this when you know your computer will powered and connected to a network for a long time.
- Do this from a reliable internet connection. I have hacked in some very basic error handeling. The export won't stop, but you'll probably have to go get the missing data yourself.
Your output will look something like this:
(venv) $:python3 slack_history.py --token xx-yy-zz --skipChannels
Successfully authenticated for team YourTeam and user karl
found 421 users
writing metadata
found private channels:
some_project: (7 members)
mpdm-person1--person2--person3-1: (3 members)
some_team: (9 members)
other-team: (7 members)
different-team: (8 members)
different-team-private: (9 members)
getting history for private channel some_project with id XXXYYYZZZ1
Sleeping a second to avoid rate limits....
found direct messages (1:1) with the following users:
getting history for direct messages with slackbot
Sleeping a second to avoid rate limits....
- turn the JSON into something useful.
copy the json from history into working dir:
(venv) ./history$:cp -R * ../working/
go to working dir
(venv) ./history$:cd ../working/
copy users and channel info for DMs and private channels
(venv) ./working$:cp users.json channels.json direct_message/
(venv) ./working$:cp users.json channels.json private_channels/
copy in the viz.php
(venv) ./working$:cp ../viz.php direct_message/
(venv) ./working$:cp ../viz.php private_channels/
do the needful
(venv) ./working$:cd direct_message/
(venv) ./direct_message$:php viz.php
Combining JSON files for #aConversation
2 messages exported to /Users/karl.quinsland/Development/slack_exp/working/direct_message/../slack2html/json/aConversation.json
Move to the slack2html for DMs into something else
(venv) ./direct_message$:mv ../slack2html/ ../slack2html-DMS/
Switch to private channels
(venv) ./direct_message$:cd ../private_channels/
(venv) ./private_channels$:php viz.php
Combining JSON files for #some-team
3,213 messages exported to /Users/karl.quinsland/Development/slack_exp/working/private_channels/../slack2html/json/some-team.json
Just as before; rename the exported html dir to something meaningful
(venv) ./private_channels$:mv ../slack2html/ ../slack2html-private/
Open the index.html and you'll be good to go :)
(venv) ./private_channels$:open ../slack2html-private/html/index.html