
Command blog generates HTML files for a blog.

Primary LanguageGo

Blog Generator

Command blog generates HTML files for a blog based on Markdown input and web page templates.


$ go get github.com/kr/blog


$ blog [output]

Files are read from .. If output contains a colon, it is treated as an address and the site is served there. Otherwise, it is treated as a path, it will be removed, and rendered files will be written there.

Missing output argument is treated like :8000.

Special Files

The following files in src produce special output:

  • articles - directory of Markdown articles
  • *.md - Markdown page or article
  • *.p - HTML template
  • *.t - text template
  • *.layout - HTML wrapper template (see below)
  • others - copied unaltered to the destination

These files are required:

  • page.layout - HTML template wrapping .md files
  • article.layout - HTML template wrapping articles (.md files in directory articles)
  • base.layout - wraps page layout and article layout
  • redirect - table of permanent redirects
Markdown Files

Files with extension .md are translated as follows:

  • An html/template set is created with two templates:
    1. Template base.layout from file base.layout
    2. Template page from file page.layout
  • The Markdown contents of the file are rendered to HTML
  • The template set is evaluated with the rendered page HTML as template field .Content.
  • Output path is the path and basename of the file + .html

Articles are .md files inside directory articles. They are rendered like other Markdown pages, except:

  • Filename must be of the form 2006-01-02-the-article-slug.md.
  • Its first line must be a level-one-heading # Markdown title.
  • If the second paragraph begins with "/ ", its remainder is used as the article summary.
  • File article.layout is used instead of page.layout.
  • Output path is of the form /2006/01/02/the-article-slug.html.
HTML Template Files

Files with extension .p are translated as follows:

  • An html/template set is created with two templates:
    1. Template base.layout from file base.layout
    2. Template page from the .p file itself
  • Output path is the path and basename of the file + .html
Text Template Files

Files ending in .t are translated as a text/template template with the same fields as a .p file.

Output path is the path and basename of the file.

Template Fields

The struct being passed to the template is defined at the top of main.go.


File redirect is a table of permanent redirects. It may be empty, but it must be present. Each line is a record of two tab-separated fields: request path and destination. It redirects each request path to the corresponding destination URL, with status 301 Moved Permanently.

The request path should begin with a slash /. The destination URL is a full URL, but most components are optional; a relative path destination will be made absolute by combining it with the request path.

The redirection table works only with the built-in web server; other files can be served by any web server.