
One Ruby gem to rule the zanox API

Primary LanguageRuby


by Krispin Schulz

The zanox gem is the ruby way to use the zanox API.
It is a wrapper for the zanox Publisher web services and you can use resources like
models in ActiveRecord.

Getting started

  • Install the gem
    gem install zanox
  • Learn its usage with the examples below
  • Create shiny ruby apps with it


Supported zanox API methods:

zanox API method the ruby way
getAdspaces Zanox::Adspace.find(:all)
getAdspace Zanox::Adspace.find(‘adspace id here’)
getProgram Zanox::Program.find(‘program id here’)
getProgramsByAdspace Zanox::Program.find(:adspaceId => ‘adspace id here’)
searchPrograms Zanox::Program.find(‘amazon’, :region=>’de’)
getProduct Zanox::Product.find(‘zupid of the product here’)
getProducts Zanox::Product.find(:programId=>’program id is required here’, :adspaceId=>’adspace id here’)
searchProducts Zanox::Product.find(‘ipad’, :region=>’de’, :programId=>’a program id here’)
getSales Zanox::Sale.find(:date=>’2010-03-02T00:00:00’, :dateType=>’trackingDate’)


    require 'rubygems'
    require 'zanox'
    # fill in your credentials
    Zanox::API::Session.connect_id = 'your connect id'
    Zanox::API::Session.secret_key = 'your secret key'

    # request products as easy as hell
    Zanox::Product.find('ipod').each do |product|
      puts product.id + " : " + product.name

    # request a product by its zupid
    Zanox::Product.find('b84145a6c81a455c99a90194db15aed3').each do |product|
      puts product.id + " : " + product.name

    # get all your zanox adspaces
    Zanox::Adspace.find(:all).each do |adspace|
      puts adspace.id + " : " + adspace.name

For more code snippets look at the files in the examples dir.


Published under a Creative Commons license.