A small sound board made from a raspberry pi zero, a neotrellis and a voice bonnet
Follow Adafruit instructions on how to set up the voice bonnet (
After that:
pip3 install --upgrade adafruit-circuitpython-dotstar adafruit-circuitpython-neotrellis
install and record
sudo apt-get install sox
now record with (on Pi4 setting the AUDIODEV env var was not necessary, but on pi0w it was)
AUDIODEV=hw:0 rec test.wav
Remove annoying whine with bandfilters on 1500Hz and harmonics
rec test1.wav bandreject 3000 200 bandreject 1500 200 bandreject 4500 200 bandreject 6000 200 bandreject 7500 200 bandreject 9000 200
Noise filtering
sox test.wav -n trim 0 1.0 noiseprof speech.noise-profile
sox test.wav cleaned.wav noisered speech.noise-profile 0.15
sox and arecord combination
One thing was annoying about recording with sox. Recording something went fine. But immediately playing or recording something after that failed. I had to wait about 4 seconds before a second clip could be recorded. This problem didn't arise when using arecord.
So we record with arecord and filter with sox.
arecord -Dhw:0 -f dat | sox -t wav -b 16 -r 44100 -e signed - -t wav /tmp/noise.wav bandreject 1500 200 bandreject 3000 200 bandreject 4500 200 bandreject 6000 200
run at boot
(omit sudo if you don't want to run python script as sudo)
sudo crontab -e
pick nano
@reboot python3 /home/pi/neotrellis-soundboard/
Setup part 2: usb audio device
- bought and
- adafruit guide
- record on the usb device
arecord --device=hw:1,0 --format S16_LE --rate 44100 -c1 test.wav
- play out on voice bonnet
aplay --device=plughw:0,0 test.wav