
web based game

Primary LanguageHack


web based game


install apache, PHP a MySQL

change DB connection settings in config/config.php

install DB scripts from db/install.sql

allow write to directories log, include (chmod -R 777 log, chmod -R 777 include)

how to export DB

docker exec -ti berlingame-compose_db_1 /bin/bash mysqldump -u root -p -B d4355_berlin > export.sql docker cp berlingame-compose_db_1:/export.sql .


just register and play. In database is one admin account and one player account.

login: admin password: heslo

login player password: heslo

If you want to do "midnight's calclulation" of new turns, just run script


(if you want to run it again, you will have to delete file log/prepocet.second.lock)



This was one of my first web pages, so it is almost example of "how not to code". There will be warnings from PHP, weird code constructs, names of functions in Czech, frames, multiple code entries, ... You will see run of hundreds DB queries on single page reload and much more.

I quickly tried to fix all major troubles which blocked working in newer version of PHP, but there will definitely remain plenty of bugs.