Arkon's Scala Training


Scala hands on training project. Looking to introduce new team members or anyone interested to the scala programming language and the way it's used within the ArkonData team.

You'll implement a web server exposing a GraphQL API to expose business retrieved from the INEGI's API and query them based on their location.





Basic commands

SBT console

$ sbt

Running sbt commands inside the SBT console

// sbt console
$ sbt

// Scala REPL
$ sbt console

// Compile the main module
sbt:arkon-scalatraining> compile

// Compile the test module
sbt:arkon-scalatraining> test:compile

// Run all tests
sbt:arkon-scalatraining> test

// Run a specific test
sbt:arkon-scalatraining> testOnly training.std.OptionSpec


Implement a GraphQL API based on the given schema to expose the saved business and query them based on their location. The database to be used should be PostgreSQL with the PostGIS exitension to power the georeferenced queries. To fill the database you'll have to implement a web scrapper to retrieve data from the INEGI's DENUE API and execute the createShop mutation defined on the implemented API.

The implemented API should comply the following rules:

  • On the createShop mutation
    • The activity, stratum and shopType fields should search for existing records on the Activity, Stratum and ShopType tables and insert only if there is no previous record.