
gevent + multitprocessing experiments

Primary LanguagePython

Experiments with multiprocessing, gevent, greenlet, threads

This repo consist of code which explores various performance of using multiprocessing, gevent, greenlet, threads with requests.
  • Install all dependencies via pip requirements.py its upto you to create virtualenv
  • Run python multiprocessing_gevent.py (Here python is your default interpreter)
  • Run python onlygevents.py


  • Machine Details
    • Architecture: ('64bit', 'ELF')
    • Dist: ('debian', 'squeeze/sid', '')
    • Total Cores: 4

All the tests are carried on Heroku free account.

  1. onlygevents.py

    1 process with 40 producer gevents and 28 consumer gevents took 0:00:17.100989 seconds to produce 400000 numbers and consume

  2. multiprocessing_gevent.py

    8 process with 40 producer gevents and 28 consumer gevents took0:00:13.906008 seconds to produce 400000 numbers and consume

  3. multiprocessingrequests.py

    • 8 processes on 4 core machine took 0:00:17.613300 time to download 100 urls
    • 8 processes on 4 core machine took 0:00:00.001358 time to read 100 urls from queue
  4. asyncrequests.py
    • Requests async took 0:00:12.328628 seconds for 100 urls

How to test in heroku

  1. Follow all the steps for creating a python application
  2. Push the code to heroku
  3. Run heroku run python
  4. from multiprocessing_gevnet import main
  5. main()
  6. Wait for the completion
  7. from onlygevents import main
  8. main()
  9. Compare the results
  10. You can also run these tests as worker and check the logs,


  • With n cpus, n/2 producer processes and n/2 consumers, gevents completes tasks in less time(around 18% - 20%) when compared to multiprocessing processes.
  • with n cpus, n producers processes, n consumers processes multiprocessing processes outperforms.

To Do

  • Increase gevents and processes and benchmark.
  • Try same result for 100 to 1000s parallel download with requests and benchmark.
  • How GNU/Linux allocates processes to cores
  • Memory consumption

Commands for monitoring process

  • ps -AlFH | grep multi
  • ps -AlFH | grep gevent