
Improved fzf.vim written in lua

Primary LanguageLua

fzf ❤️ lua

Neovim version



fzf changed my life, it can change yours too, if you allow it.


What more can be said about fzf? It is the single most impactful tool for my command line workflow, once I started using fzf I couldn’t see myself living without it.

To understand fzf properly I highly recommended fzf screencast by @samoshkin

This is my take on the original fzf.vim, written in lua for neovim 0.5, it builds on the elegant nvim-fzf as an async interface to create a performant and lightweight fzf client for neovim that rivals any of the new shiny fuzzy finders for neovim.

Why use this plug-in?

... and not, to name a few, telescope or vim-clap?

As @junegunn himself put it, “because you can and you love fzf”.

If you’re happy with your current setup there is absolutely no reason to switch.

That said, without taking anything away from the greatness of other plugins I found it more efficient having a uniform experience between my shell and my nvim. In addition fzf has been a rock for me since I started using it and hadn’t failed me once, it never hangs and can handle almost anything you throw at it. That, and colorful file icons and git indicators!.


Optional dependencies (recommended)

  • fd - better performance find utility
  • bat - for colorful syntax highlighted previews
  • ripgrep - for better grep-like searches


Using vim-plug

Plug 'ibhagwan/fzf-lua'
Plug 'vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf'
Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons'

Using packer.nvim

use { 'ibhagwan/fzf-lua',
  requires = {
    'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' } -- optional for icons

Note: if you already have fzf installed you do not need to install fzf or fzf.vim, however if you do not have it installed, you only need fzf which can be installed with (fzf.vim is not a requirement nor conflict):

Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }

or with packer.nvim:

use = { 'junegunn/fzf', run = './install --bin', }


Fzf-lua aims to be as plug and play as possible with sane defaults, you can run any fzf-lua command like this:

:lua require('fzf-lua').files()
-- or using the `FzfLua` vim command:
:FzfLua files

or with arguments:

:lua require('fzf-lua').files({ cwd = '~/.config' })
-- or using the `FzfLua` vim command:
:FzfLua files cwd=~/.config

which can be easily mapped to:

nnoremap <c-P> <cmd>lua require('fzf-lua').files()<CR>


Buffers & Files

Command List
buffers open buffers
files find or fd on a path
oldfiles opened files history
quickfix quickfix list
loclist location list


Command List
grep search for a pattern with grep or rg
grep_last run search again with the last pattern
grep_cword search word under cursor
grep_cWORD search WORD under cursor
grep_visual search visual selection
grep_curbuf live grep current buffer
live_grep live grep current project


Command List
git_files git ls-files
git_status git status
git_commits git commit log (project)
git_bcommits git commit log (buffer)
git_branch git branches


Command List
lsp_references References
lsp_definitions Definitions
lsp_declarations Declarations
lsp_typedefs Type Definitions
lsp_implementations Implementations
lsp_document_symbols Document Symbols
lsp_workspace_symbols Workspace Symbols
lsp_code_actions Code Actions
lsp_document_diagnostics Document Diagnostics
lsp_workspace_diagnostics Workspace Diagnostics


Command List
builtin fzf-lua builtin methods
help_tags help tags
man_pages man pages
colorschemes color schemes
commands neovim commands
command_history command history
search_history search history
marks :marks
registers :registers
keymaps key mappings
spell_suggest spelling suggestions
tags project tags
btags buffer tags


I tried to make it as customizable as possible, if you find you need to change something that isn’t below, open an issue and I’ll do my best to add it.

customization can be achieved by calling the setup() function or individually sending parameters to a builtin command, for exmaple:

:lua require('fzf-lua').files({ fzf_layout = 'reverse-list' })

Consult the list below for available settings:

local actions = require "fzf-lua.actions"
require'fzf-lua'.setup {
  winopts = {
    -- split         = "new",           -- open in a split instead?
    win_height       = 0.85,            -- window height
    win_width        = 0.80,            -- window width
    win_row          = 0.30,            -- window row position (0=top, 1=bottom)
    win_col          = 0.50,            -- window col position (0=left, 1=right)
    -- win_border    = false,           -- window border? or borderchars?
    win_border       = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
    hl_normal        = 'Normal',        -- window normal color
    hl_border        = 'FloatBorder',   -- window border color
  -- fzf_bin             = 'sk',        -- use skim instead of fzf?
  fzf_layout          = 'reverse',      -- fzf '--layout='
  fzf_args            = '',             -- adv: fzf extra args, empty unless adv
  fzf_binds           = {               -- fzf '--bind=' options
  preview_border      = 'border',       -- border|noborder
  preview_wrap        = 'nowrap',       -- wrap|nowrap
  preview_opts        = 'nohidden',     -- hidden|nohidden
  preview_vertical    = 'down:45%',     -- up|down:size
  preview_horizontal  = 'right:60%',    -- right|left:size
  preview_layout      = 'flex',         -- horizontal|vertical|flex
  flip_columns        = 120,            -- #cols to switch to horizontal on flex
  -- default_previewer   = "bat",       -- override the default previewer?
                                        -- by default uses the builtin previewer
  previewers = {
    cmd = {
      -- custom previewer, will execute:
      -- `<cmd> <args> <filename>`
      cmd             = "echo",
      args            = "",
    cat = {
      cmd             = "cat",
      args            = "--number",
    bat = {
      cmd             = "bat",
      args            = "--style=numbers,changes --color always",
      theme           = 'Coldark-Dark', -- bat preview theme (bat --list-themes)
      config          = nil,            -- nil uses $BAT_CONFIG_PATH
    head = {
      cmd             = "head",
      args            = nil,
    git_diff = {
      cmd             = "git diff",
      args            = "--color",
    builtin = {
      title           = true,         -- preview title?
      scrollbar       = true,         -- scrollbar?
      scrollchar      = '',          -- scrollbar character
      wrap            = false,        -- wrap lines?
      syntax          = true,         -- preview syntax highlight?
      expand          = false,        -- preview max size?
      hl_cursor       = 'Cursor',     -- cursor highlight
      hl_cursorline   = 'CursorLine', -- cursor line highlight
      hl_range        = 'IncSearch',  -- ranger highlight (not yet in use)
      keymap = {
        toggle_full   = '<F2>',       -- toggle full screen
        toggle_wrap   = '<F3>',       -- toggle line wrap
        toggle_hide   = '<F4>',       -- toggle on/off (not yet in use)
        page_up       = '<S-up>',     -- preview scroll up
        page_down     = '<S-down>',   -- preview scroll down
        page_reset    = '<S-left>',      -- reset scroll to orig pos
  -- provider setup
  files = {
    -- previewer         = "cat",       -- uncomment to override previewer
    prompt            = 'Files❯ ',
    cmd               = '',             -- "find . -type f -printf '%P\n'",
    git_icons         = true,           -- show git icons?
    file_icons        = true,           -- show file icons?
    color_icons       = true,           -- colorize file|git icons
    actions = {
      ["default"]     = actions.file_edit,
      ["ctrl-s"]      = actions.file_split,
      ["ctrl-v"]      = actions.file_vsplit,
      ["ctrl-t"]      = actions.file_tabedit,
      ["ctrl-q"]      = actions.file_sel_to_qf,
      ["ctrl-y"]      = function(selected) print(selected[2]) end,
  git = {
    files = {
      prompt          = 'GitFiles❯ ',
      cmd             = 'git ls-files --exclude-standard',
      git_icons       = true,           -- show git icons?
      file_icons      = true,           -- show file icons?
      color_icons     = true,           -- colorize file|git icons
    status = {
      prompt        = 'GitStatus❯ ',
      cmd           = "git status -s",
      previewer     = "git_diff",
      file_icons    = true,
      git_icons     = true,
      color_icons   = true,
    commits = {
      prompt          = 'Commits❯ ',
      cmd             = "git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color",
      preview         = "git show --pretty='%Cred%H%n%Cblue%an%n%Cgreen%s' --color {1}",
      actions = {
        ["default"] = nil,
    bcommits = {
      prompt          = 'BCommits❯ ',
      cmd             = "git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color --",
      preview         = "git show --pretty='%Cred%H%n%Cblue%an%n%Cgreen%s' --color {1}",
      actions = {
        ["default"] = nil,
    branches = {
      prompt          = 'Branches❯ ',
      cmd             = "git branch --all --color",
      preview         = "git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --color {1}",
      actions = {
        ["default"] = actions.git_switch,
    icons = {
      ["M"]           = { icon = "M", color = "yellow" },
      ["D"]           = { icon = "D", color = "red" },
      ["A"]           = { icon = "A", color = "green" },
      ["?"]           = { icon = "?", color = "magenta" },
      -- ["M"]          = { icon = "★", color = "red" },
      -- ["D"]          = { icon = "✗", color = "red" },
      -- ["A"]          = { icon = "+", color = "green" },
  grep = {
    prompt            = 'Rg❯ ',
    input_prompt      = 'Grep For❯ ',
    -- cmd               = "rg --vimgrep",
    rg_opts           = "--hidden --column --line-number --no-heading " ..
                        "--color=always --smart-case -g '!{.git,node_modules}/*'",
    git_icons         = true,           -- show git icons?
    file_icons        = true,           -- show file icons?
    color_icons       = true,           -- colorize file|git icons
    actions = {
      ["default"]     = actions.file_edit,
      ["ctrl-s"]      = actions.file_split,
      ["ctrl-v"]      = actions.file_vsplit,
      ["ctrl-t"]      = actions.file_tabedit,
      ["ctrl-q"]      = actions.file_sel_to_qf,
      ["ctrl-y"]      = function(selected) print(selected[2]) end,
  oldfiles = {
    prompt            = 'History❯ ',
    cwd_only          = false,
  buffers = {
    prompt            = 'Buffers❯ ',
    file_icons        = true,         -- show file icons?
    color_icons       = true,         -- colorize file|git icons
    sort_lastused     = true,         -- sort buffers() by last used
    actions = {
      ["default"]     = actions.buf_edit,
      ["ctrl-s"]      = actions.buf_split,
      ["ctrl-v"]      = actions.buf_vsplit,
      ["ctrl-t"]      = actions.buf_tabedit,
      ["ctrl-x"]      = actions.buf_del,
  colorschemes = {
    prompt            = 'Colorschemes❯ ',
    live_preview      = true,       -- apply the colorscheme on preview?
    actions = {
      ["default"]     = actions.colorscheme,
      ["ctrl-y"]      = function(selected) print(selected[2]) end,
    winopts = {
      win_height        = 0.55,
      win_width         = 0.30,
    post_reset_cb     = function()
      -- reset statusline highlights after
      -- a live_preview of the colorscheme
      -- require('feline').reset_highlights()
  quickfix = {
    -- cwd               = vim.loop.cwd(),
    file_icons        = true,
    git_icons         = true,
  lsp = {
    prompt            = '',
    -- cwd               = vim.loop.cwd(),
    cwd_only          = false,      -- LSP/diagnostics for cwd only?
    async_or_timeout  = true,       -- timeout(ms) or false for blocking calls
    file_icons        = true,
    git_icons         = false,
    lsp_icons         = true,
    severity          = "hint",
    icons = {
      ["Error"]       = { icon = "", color = "red" },       -- error
      ["Warning"]     = { icon = "", color = "yellow" },    -- warning
      ["Information"] = { icon = "", color = "blue" },      -- info
      ["Hint"]        = { icon = "", color = "magenta" },   -- hint
  -- placeholders for additional user customizations
  loclist = {},
  helptags = {},
  manpages = {},
  -- optional override of file extension icon colors
  -- available colors (terminal):
  --    clear, bold, black, red, green, yellow
  --    blue, magenta, cyan, grey, dark_grey, white
  file_icon_colors = {
    ["lua"]   = "blue",

This can also be run from a .vim file using

lua << EOF
-- ...


  • Add more providers
    • LSP (refs, symbols, etc) (2021-07-20)
    • git commits (2021-08-05)
    • git branches (2021-08-05)
    • nvim built-in:
      • commands (2021-08-14)
      • command history (2021-08-14)
      • search history (2021-08-14)
      • registers (2021-08-14)
      • keymaps (2021-08-14)
      • spelling suggestions (2021-08-14)
      • marks (2021-08-14)
    • tags (2021-08-15)
  • Built-in previewer with treesitter support (2021-08-29)
  • Improve previewer for buffers (2021-08-29)
  • Add support for marks in the builtin previewer
  • Add built-in plugin documentation
  • Complete the Wiki


Big thank you to all those I borrowed code/ideas from, I read so many configs and plugin codes that I probably forgot where I found some samples from so if I missed your name feel free to contact me and I'll add it below: