ESP32 Wi-Fi Connection Demostration

Hi. The purpose of doing this project is to demostrate how to establish a Wi-Fi connection, and then use it communicate with a TCP server for an ESP32 microcontroller using the ESP-IDF API.

How to build

The project can be build using ESP-IDF. To compile the project, simply..

  1. git clone this repository.
  2. Navigate to the repository using the ESP-IDF Terminal.
  3. set-target esp32 to tell the compiler to target ESP32, but you can target other ESP devices as well.
  4. menuconfig to build the menus and the sdkconfig file.
  5. In the menuconfig, go to WIFI Configuration > WiFi SSID and enter the name of the network you want to connect to.
  6. WIFI Configuration > WiFi Password to enter the password to this access point. If it is an open network, then simply leave the setting blank.
  7. Open main/main.c and enter the IP address and the port number of the running server at the appropriate location.
  8. Exit the menu, and in the IDF Terminal, enter build to build the project.

How to run

This project can be run by running flash with your ESP32 connected to your computer. However, here I will be using the Wokwi online simulator to run this project.

To run this project in the Wokwi simulator, install the Wokwi for VS Code Extension. Then, open the project directory in VS Code and open the wokwi/diagram.json file. This will open a graphical simulation of the microcontroller.

!!Important note!! - If using the Wokwi Simulator, use the WiFi network "Wokwi-GUEST" with no password.

The project is properly running if you can send text data from your TCP server, and it shows in the serial monitor.

Enter HELLO and press the Enter at the server to terminate the project.