Waterloo's implementation of QRadar API calls.
Ideally python2/3 compatible.
https://github.com/ibm-security-intelligence/api-samples is fairly hostile to being used as a library, it's mostly just reference code. It also currently requires Python 3.3, which isn't as friendly as it could be.
Goal: provide at least some of the basic QRadar API functionality in a library that can be easily used by other Python applications.
A .qrrc file (this only works on *nix-type OSes) containing:
hostname = (name of your QRadar server)
apikey = (API key you generate at Admin | (User Management) | Authorized Services)
certbundlefile = (path to a certificate bundle file so we can avoid SSL errors on intranetssl certs)
Error checking, where it exists, is rudimentary at best. Debug logging should be done with logging module, not uncommenting print lines.
- Mike Patterson UWaterloo IST-ISS mike.patterson@uwaterloo.ca