
A simple haskell-style monadic combinator-based parser written in Swift.

Primary LanguageSwift

Monadic Parser Combinator written in swift

A simple haskell-style monadic combinator-based parser written in Swift.

A minium interpreter is also implemented in this tiny project.


  • Pure parser process without any side effects.
  • Implemented with Haskell-like monad based operator return,>>=, and zero.
  • Easy to scale up to deal with complex language parse and interprete.
  • Concise code which extremely easy to understand and modify.


  • In order to keep it simple and stupid, there are lots of string construct operation, which has pool performance.
  • Same reason as above, there are lots of direct array construct/deconstruct operation, which has pool performance, consider replace it with swift lazy evaluation feature such as AnyGenerator/AnySequence if u want imporve it.