
Gradle plugin for integrating Project Panama's jextract tool

Primary LanguageKotlinGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

GitHub Workflow Status Gradle Plugin Portal

This is a Gradle plugin for integrating Project Panama's jextract tool in the build process. There is also a full demo project showcasing the gradle-jextract plugin.

💡   Example

Since the plugin is available on Gradle's Plugin Portal it can be applied within the build script's plugins block.

plugins {
  id "io.github.krakowski.jextract" version "0.5.0"

Applying the plugin adds the jextract task which can be configured by the build script.

jextract {

    header("${project.projectDir}/src/main/c/stdio.h") {
        // The library name
        libraries = [ 'stdc++' ]
        // The package under which all source files will be generated
        targetPackage = 'org.unix'
        // The generated class name
        className = 'Linux'

If the Gradle Java Plugin or Application plugin is applied, the gradle-jextract plugin configures them and uses the configured toolchain for its task, which can be set as follows.

java {
    toolchain {

If your JDK is not installed in one of the default locations, Gradle can be instructed to search in a custom location. To enable this feature the org.gradle.java.installations.paths property has to be set within your global gradle.properties file usually located inside ${HOME}/.gradle.


The plugin will first try to find jextract inside PATH and then fall back to ${JAVA_HOME}/bin.

📐   Configuration Options

The jextract task exposes the following configuration options.

Name Type Required Description
libraries java.lang.String[] The libraries against which the native code will link ¹
includes java.lang.String[] A list of directories which should be included during code generation
targetPackage java.lang.String The package under which all bindings will be generated
className java.lang.String The generated class file's name
functions java.lang.String[] Whitelist of function symbols
constants java.lang.String[] Whitelist of macro and enum constant symbols
structs java.lang.String[] Whitelist of struct symbols
typedefs java.lang.String[] Whitelist of typedef symbols
unions java.lang.String[] Whitelist of union symbols
variables java.lang.String[] Whitelist of global variable symbols
definedMacros java.lang.String[] List of additional defined C preprocessor macros
useSystemLoadLibrary java.lang.Boolean Load libraries into the loader symbol lookup
outputDir org.gradle.api.file.Directory The output directory under which the generated source files will be placed

📗   Notes

¹ libraries option can use simple library name "stdc++" or full path to the shared libraries. Full path need to be prefixed with ":" character. For example ":/usr/lib/libstdc++.so" doc

🔧   Requirements

📜   License

This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.