
Functional API for Microsoft Orleans

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Orleankka is a functional API for Microsoft Orleans framework. It is highly suitable for scenarios where having composable, uniform communication interface is preferable, such as: CQRS, event-sourcing, re-routing, FSM, etc.

Orleankka is not just a translation layer on top of Orleans. Besides improved language support, Orleannka brings several new important features and fixes a lot of small-to-medium annoyances, constraints and some of the major limitations, currently present in Orleans' programming model.

References: video, slides and discussion.


  • Pluggable serialization protocols
  • Dependency injection support
  • Simplified configuration via fluent DSL (client, cluster, azure, embedded)
  • Programmable from any .NET language
  • Typed actors for strong type-safety and IntelliSense support
  • Message interception via higher-order catch-all function (AOP)
  • Automatic GC with configurable keep-alive timeouts
  • Runtime independence (isolated testing)
  • Reentrant messages
  • Special api for F# (DU, Pattern Matching, Tasks, Custom DSL)
  • Greatly simplified and more convenient api (actor subscriptions)
  • Declarative regex-based subscriptions (great for CQRS/ES projections)
  • Content-based filtering with static functions (both imperative and declarative)
  • Support of all built-in and custom stream providers
  • Convenient unit testing kit (stubs, mocks, expectations)
  • Push-based notifications with observers
  • Reactive Extensions (RX) support (client-side observers only)
  • Improved exception handling

How to install NuGet

To install Orleankka via NuGet, run this command in NuGet package manager console:

PM> Install-Package Orleankka

Check out "Getting started" guide (F#).


Orleankka.FSharp NuGet Special api for F#
Orleankka.TestKit NuGet Unit testing kit
Orleankka.Azure NuGet Fluent configuration for Azure


  • .NET binary [default]
  • Orleans native (codegened) [built-in]
  • Newtonsoft.JSON [see]
Dependency Injection


Complete documentation could be found on wiki.

Known issues

Integration tests (those using real actor system) won't work with XUnit visual studio runner due to inability to disable shadow copy xunit/visualstudio.xunit#9


Any bug-fix pull request goes without a saying. For new features or modifications, please first create an issue, so we can discuss it before any effort is made. Add-ons, like new serialization or communication protocols, DI container support, FSM, etc - are highly welcomed!




Apache 2 License