🔍 Testing React Aplications

This a workshop that covers the basics of testing React applications.

🌱 Setup

I recommend setup this project before the workshop.

Just follow these instructions:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install dependencies npm install
  3. Start dev server with playground npm start

💡 Tasks

Links to all of the tasks:

  1. Fundamentals of testing
  2. Testing React components
  3. Testing React components with async
  4. Integration testing
  5. Testing reusable component
  6. Testing hooks
  7. E2e testing with Cypress

In files of tasks you will find instructions and hints in code comments. Each task also has the solution defined, it is within the __solution__ folder. This folder is skipped during the test runs, but you are welcome to check out the code if you feel stuck.

🗂 Navigate

In this repo inside /src folder you will find representing each part of the workshop.

📚 Resources


I would really appreciate your anonymous feedback about the workshop!

👉 https://spmtqsfr5vu.typeform.com/to/XR2DbgNq