
IBM Stencils for creating IBM Diagrams with enterprise diagram tools.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

IBM Stencils


Create IBM Diagrams with IBM Stencils using enterprise diagram tools.

IBM v1 Stencils

diagrams.net (draw.io)

**NOTE: For IBM internal designs/diagrams, you must use the desktop application (2.) to create or edit a diagram. The draw.io/diagrams.net web application (1.) is only approved for public designs that contain no forward-looking material**.

  1. To use the IBM Stencils on draw.io/diagrams.net in your browser: https://draw.io/?libs=ibm

  2. To use the IBM Stencils on the draw.io desktop application do the following:

    1. Open application and click on "+ More Shapes" in the bottom left panel.
    2. Scroll down to the "Networking" section and check "IBM".
    3. Click "Apply" to finish.

    IBM Stencils should now be available in the embedded categories in the left panel.

  3. Groups (boxes) are implemented as draw.io containers.


Use all-ibm-cloud-architecture-icons-October2019-WithVPCUpdatesFebruary2020.pptx on this github.


  1. Groups (boxes) are implemented as Visio containers.

  2. Group tags are currently separate and can optionally be placed on upper left corner.

