How to set up an Amazon Web Services computer (a virtual "instance"):

This page shows you how to create a new "AWS instance", or a running computer In a web browser, navigate to and log in using your credentials


  1. Under "Compute", select EC2

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  1. Switch to zone US West (N California)

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  1. Click on "Launch Instance"

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  1. On the left side of the next page, select "Community AMIs"

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  1. Search for ami-c72d7fa7 (2017-01-20-ubuntu-wily-titus-ucdavis-dragon)

  2. Click on "select"

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  1. Choose t2.micro

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  1. Near the top, click "6. Configure Security Group"

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  1. Click "Add Rule"

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  1. Change the Port Range from 0 to 8000

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  1. Click Review and Launch

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  1. Click "Launch"

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  1. Under the drop down menu, select "Proceed without a key pair" and check the box

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  1. Click "Launch Instances"

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  1. Click "View Instances"

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  1. Copy the IPv4 public IP into a new browser tab and add ":8000" to the end.

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  1. You should see a page like this:

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  1. Enter the password (note, it will always be city in which UCD is located. No caps.)

  2. Click "New", and select "Terminal" from the drop down menu

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  1. Type "bash" into the terminal window-looking thing in the new tab. Hit Enter

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  1. Do all of the things in your shiny new Linux-based environment

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  1. When you're done, terminate the instance.

In the EC2 management console, select the instance, then click Actions and select Terminate from the drop down menu. When prompted, click "Yes, Terminate"

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