
An Android front to GF WordNet with integrated language learning UI

Primary LanguageJava


This is the product created when writing our bachelor thesis at Chalmers University and University of Gothenburg. It is an application called Grammarlex, and it is meant for teaching grammar through different exercises. Currently there are three implemented exercises, Translation, Synonym and Fill the gap. Grammarlex utilises Grammatical Framework (GF) in order for it to be multilingual, so the exercises in the application should be able to work with all available languages. However our aim was to teach Swedish to non-native speakers. It also utilises GF WordNet which is a WordNet port to GF.

Structure of the application

We will not go in-depth here, so if you have any questions feel free to contact the contributors of this project.

We used Android Jetpack for constructing the app, and there are many great tutorials for it if you want to learn more. We recommend the "Room with a View" tutorial.

The database in the application is Room, and there is currently a database dump that is used when starting the application. This can be found in the assets folder. There is also a folder called parsing which contains some python scripts that were used when parsing GF WordNet in order to extract information from it that was used in the database, for example the explanation and synonym set.

The exercises are also contained in the parsing folder. The Fill the gap exercises are inside of the Exercises.csv file, the translation exercises in TranslateExercises.csv and the synonym exercises in SynonymExercises.csv.

If you want to add more exercises you need to make sure to build the database again, if you load it from the pre-existing assets any additions will not be found in the app.

There is also a vital file that is gitignored called Android.mk, located in jni. In order to run this project, GF-core needs to be in the same directory as this is cloned to.

Our thesis is yet to be published, but when it is, more information about the project can be found in it. If we have not linked it here by then, feel free to contact us.

Android.mk example

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

jni_c_files := jpgf.c jsg.c jni_utils.c
sg_c_files := sg.c sqlite3Btree.c
pgf_c_files := data.c expr.c graphviz.c linearizer.c literals.c parser.c parseval.c pgf.c printer.c reader.c \
reasoner.c evaluator.c jit.c typechecker.c lookup.c aligner.c writer.c scanner.c
gu_c_files := assert.c  choice.c  exn.c   fun.c   in.c      map.c  out.c     utf8.c \
bits.c    defs.c    enum.c  file.c  hash.c  mem.c  prime.c  seq.c   string.c  ucs.c   variant.c

LOCAL_MODULE    := jpgf
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(addprefix ../../../GF/gf-core/src/runtime/java/, $(jni_c_files)) \
                   $(addprefix ../../../GF/gf-core/src/runtime/c/sg/, $(sg_c_files)) \
                   $(addprefix ../../../GF/gf-core/src/runtime/c/pgf/, $(pgf_c_files)) \
                   $(addprefix ../../../GF/gf-core/src/runtime/c/gu/, $(gu_c_files))


$(realpath ../obj/local/armeabi/objs/jpgf/__/__/__/runtime/c/pgf/jit.o): lightning
$(realpath ../obj/local/armeabi/objs-debug/jpgf/__/__/__/runtime/c/pgf/jit.o): lightning

	ln -s -f arm/asm.h ../../../runtime/c/pgf/lightning/asm.h
	ln -s -f arm/core.h ../../../runtime/c/pgf/lightning/core.h
	ln -s -f arm/fp.h ../../../runtime/c/pgf/lightning/fp.h
	ln -s -f arm/funcs.h ../../../runtime/c/pgf/lightning/funcs.h