
examples of GF-based natural language generation

Primary LanguageGrammatical Framework

NLG-examples with GF in Haskell and Python

Abstract Wikipedia experiment: abstract-wikipedia

Tutorial on NLG in GF: doc/

This tutorial is meant for programmers unfamiliar with GF but with experience in Python. It has a particular focus on NLG from Wikidata. It gives a gradual reconstruction of the code in countries/, also trying to do it in a more scalable and modifieable way.

Facts about countries: countries/

Note: this code has been replaced by abstract-wikipedia/facts3

This is an example of GF-based natural language generation. It generates descriptive texts from a table that contains basic facts about countries. See NLG-example-2021.pdf for illustrations.

To test it yourself in Haskell,

cd countries
open CountriesEng.html

Requirements: GF, GF-RGL, GHC

To test in Python,

cd countries
make python
open countries_1.html

Requirements: GF, GF-RGL, python3, pgf package for Python

The countries example is based on data from http://www.geonames.org/


  • check all the Finnish and Swedish names (if possible, by extracting data)
  • generalize the functions from countries to arbitrary types
  • modularize the GF, Haskell, and Python code accordingly
  • improve HTML layout, in particular in Python

Converting integers to numerals: transfer/

This is a frequent task when converting data to text. For example, if a user has 8 messages, one wants to generate "you have eight messages".

See transfer/README.md for details.