Terminal-friendly monaco font, with extra nerd glyphs, patched with ryanoasis's nerd patcher.
Build commands are in build.sh.
Download the font file you need, move it to /usr/share/fonts/anydir
. For example (Linux):
git clone https://github.com/Karmenzind/monaco-nerd-fonts
cp -r monaco-nerd-fonts/fonts/ /usr/share/fonts/monaco-nerd-fonts
If necessary, run sudo fc-cache -fv
or follow ArchWiki to make new fonts available.
For ArchLinux based distribution, you can directly install via AUR:
yay -S ttf-monaco-nerd-font-git
- Monaco Nerd Font Complete.ttf
- Monaco Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf
if you prefer the old otf version, check out the
Alacritty terminal:
- 2023-05-30: Merged new 3.0.0 version. (thanks to @hjdarnel)
- 2022-10-18: Nerd-fonts repo had fixed the 'fl' bug (thanks to @Finii) so I patched new fonts. I don't know where to find the original source
file or how to patch the patched font (it created fonts likeMonaco Nerd Font Complete Nerd Font Complete
, don't want to learn how to fix it). The new font are patched based on this ttf file. For now it seems pretty good. - 2019-03-18: Updating freetype2 to version
might break the font on Archlinux. To fix it, check Karmenzind#2 (thanks to @guihkx). I'll update the font file at my leisure time.