
Simple in-network file transfer with barely any overhead.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


fftp is the "Fast File Transport Protocol". It transfers files quickly between computers on a network with low overhead.


FTP uses two ports which makes it inconvenient to reverse proxy. HTTP file servers might be too bulky for certain things, and they aren't as fast as FTP. Both use TCP. This is my duct tape and chicken wire compromise.


The client is ff. The server is ffd.

# Create a file.
mkdir test
echo "hi" > test/test.txt

# Start running a server.
ffd MY_LOCAL_IP:8080 test &

# List files available.
ff MY_LOCAL_IP:8080 ls

# Download a file.
ff MY_LOCAL_IP:8080 get test.txt


  • Minimal communication overhead
  • Fast
  • Maintainable