
Primary LanguagePython

#Conway's Game of Life

This is a simple game of life program that simulates generations of Conway's game of life.

Please Enter 1's and 0's delimited by a space. python driver.py boardfilename.txt will work if you wish to input a file.

If you are manually entering your Life Game board, press Enter and then CTRL-D when you are finished. Thanks!

usage: driver.py [-h] [--num_generations NUM_GENERATIONS] [--toroidal] [infile]

positional arguments: infile

optional arguments:

  • -h, --help show help message and exit
  • --num_generations NUM_GENERATIONS, -N NUM_GENERATIONS Number of Generations to simulate the game of life.
  • --toroidal, -T Simulate the game of life so that edge neighbors wrap around to the opposite side.

Examples: To input a standard board from a file: $ python driver.py filewithboard.txt

To input a standard board from a file, with 4 generations and the toroidal flag set: $ python driver.py -T -N 4 filewithboard.txt

To manually input a board: $ python driver.py (Press CTRL-D when finished inputting values)

To run unit tests: $ python test.py

Happy Holidays!