
Testing tool for Python applications speaking to LDAP databases. Easy setup of in-memory LDAP database server for testing.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tool for testing code speaking with LDAP server. Allows to easily configure and run an embedded, in-memory LDAP server. Uses UnboundID LDAP SDK through Py4J. Requires Java runtime on the system path to run the server.


With pip:

pip install python-ldap-test

When installing from source:

git clone https://github.com/zoldar/python-ldap-test
cd python-ldap-test
python setup.py install # you may need root privileges if installing system-wide


Example library usage with Python ldap client.

import ldap3

from ldap_test import LdapServer

server = LdapServer()


    dn = server.config['bind_dn']
    pw = server.config['password']

    srv = ldap3.Server('localhost', port=server.config['port'])
    conn = ldap3.Connection(srv, user=dn, password=pw, auto_bind=True)

    base_dn = server.config['base']['dn']
    search_filter = '(objectclass=domain)'
    attrs = ['dc']

    conn.search(base_dn, search_filter, attributes=attrs)

    print conn.response
# [{
    #    'dn': 'dc=example,dc=com',
    #    'raw_attributes': {'dc': [b'example']},
    #    'attributes': {'dc': ['example']},
    #    'type': 'searchResEntry'
    # }]

Another example with non-standard settings:

import ldap3

from ldap_test import LdapServer

server = LdapServer({
    'port': 3333,
    'bind_dn': 'cn=admin,dc=zoldar,dc=net',
    'password': 'pass1',
    'base': {'objectclass': ['domain'],
             'dn': 'dc=zoldar,dc=net',
             'attributes': {'dc': 'zoldar'}},
    'entries': [
        {'objectclass': 'domain',
         'dn': 'dc=users,dc=zoldar,dc=net',
         'attributes': {'dc': 'users'}},
        {'objectclass': 'organization',
         'dn': 'o=foocompany,dc=users,dc=zoldar,dc=net',
         'attributes': {'o': 'foocompany'}},


    dn = "cn=admin,dc=zoldar,dc=net"
    pw = "pass1"

    srv = ldap3.Server('localhost', port=3333)
    conn = ldap3.Connection(srv, user=dn, password=pw, auto_bind=True)

    base_dn = 'dc=zoldar,dc=net'
    search_filter = '(objectclass=organization)'
    attrs = ['o']

    conn.search(base_dn, search_filter, attributes=attrs)

    print conn.response
    # [{
    #    'dn': 'o=foocompany,dc=users,dc=zoldar,dc=net',
    #    'raw_attributes': {'o': [b'foocompany']},
    #    'attributes': {'o': ['foocompany']},
    #    'type': 'searchResEntry'
    # }]

And, finally, an example of running multiple LDAP servers:

import ldap3

from ldap_test import LdapServer

servers = {}

    for sid in (1, 2):
        domain = 'example{0}'.format(sid)
        servers[sid] = LdapServer({
            'port': 10389 + (sid * 1000),
            'bind_dn': 'cn=admin,dc={0},dc=com'.format(domain),
            'base': {
                'objectclass': ['domain'],
                'dn': 'dc={0},dc=com'.format(domain),
                'attributes': {'dc': domain}

    search_filter = '(objectclass=domain)'
    attrs = ['dc']

    # server1
    dn = servers[1].config['bind_dn']
    pw = servers[1].config['password']
    base_dn = servers[1].config['base']['dn']
    port = servers[1].config['port']

    srv = ldap3.Server('localhost', port=port)
    conn = ldap3.Connection(srv, user=dn, password=pw, auto_bind=True)
    conn.search(base_dn, search_filter, attributes=attrs)

    print conn.response
    # [{
    #    'dn': 'dc=example1,dc=com',
    #    'raw_attributes': {'dc': [b'example1']},
    #    'attributes': {'dc': ['example1']},
    #    'type': 'searchResEntry'
    # }]


    # server2
    dn = servers[2].config['bind_dn']
    pw = servers[2].config['password']
    base_dn = servers[2].config['base']['dn']
    port = servers[2].config['port']

    srv = ldap3.Server('localhost', port=port)
    conn = ldap3.Connection(srv, user=dn, password=pw, auto_bind=True)
    conn.search(base_dn, search_filter, attributes=attrs)

    print conn.response
    # [{
    #    'dn': 'dc=example2,dc=com',
    #    'raw_attributes': {'dc': [b'example2']},
    #    'attributes': {'dc': ['example2']},
    #    'type': 'searchResEntry'
    # }]

    for server in servers.values():

The initial server configuration is represented by a simple dict, which may contain one or more optional parameters:

  • port - a port on which the LDAP server will listen
  • bind_dn - bind DN entry for authentication
  • password - authentication password
  • base - base DN entry
  • entries - a list of dicts representing intially loaded entries in the database. attributes are optional here
  • ldifs - a list of strings representing file paths to the LDIF files to load on start, like ..., 'ldifs': ['path/to/file1.ldif', 'path/to/file2.ldif'], ...

The format of entry in entries as well as base is following:

{'dn': 'o=some,dc=example,dc=com', # DN identifying the entry
 'objectclass': ['top', 'organization'], # objectclass may be either a 
                                         # string in case of a single 
                                         # class or a list of classes
 'attributes': {        # attributes are optional
    'o': 'some'         # every attribute may have either a single value
                        # or multiple values in a list like
                        # 'ou': ['Value1', 'Value2', ...]

Reporting issues

Any issues (be it bugs, feature requests or anything else) can be reported through project's GitHub issues page.


John Kristensen (https://github.com/jerrykan)


Copyright © 2014 Adrian Gruntkowski

Distributed under the MIT License.