
Use SQL to query different data sources like logs, JSON, CSV, XML, etc.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


QueryCat is the command line tool that provides the universal access to a text-based data like CSV, JSON, XML and log files. It also provides the way to query this data using SQL (Structured Query Language). The general idea is to bring well-known SQL expressive power and provide easy access to various kind of information.

  • QueryCat is designed to use pipeline mode to be able to process large amount of data.
  • INTO clause allows to write transformed data to popular formats.
  • The single binary file doesn't require any dependencies to be installed and simplifies installation (download and use).


  1. Query CSV, TSV, JSON, XML, log files and other input sources.
  2. Has simple SQL-engine that supports select, filter, group, joins, order, limit, offset, union, subqueries, CTE (recursive CTE), window functions.
  3. JSONPath, XPath expressions.
  4. Supports regex and Grok patterns.
  5. Simple Web UI and REST API.
  6. Simple files server (with partial request support).
  7. Plugins ecosystem.
  8. Variables support.

In Action

Count total number of processes by user.

$ ps -ef | qcat "SELECT UID, COUNT(*) cnt FROM - GROUP BY UID ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 3"
| UID        | cnt   |
| ---------- | ----- |
| root       | 256   |
| ivan       | 93    |
| systemd+   | 1     |

Calculate the total files size per user in a directory.

$ find /tmp -ls 2>/dev/null | qcat "SELECT column4 as user, size_pretty(SUM(column6)) size FROM - GROUP BY column4"
| user       | size       |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| root       | 1.5K       |
| ivan       | 21.3M      |

Select JSON logs exported from Google Cloud.

$ qcat 'SELECT [timestamp], insertId, json_value(jsonPayload, "$.context.httpRequest.url") as url, SUBSTR(json_value(jsonPayload, "$.message"), 0, 50) AS msg FROM "downloaded-logs.json" WHERE length(jsonPayload) > 0 ORDER BY [timestamp]'
| timestamp           | insertId          | url        | msg                                                |
| ------------------- | ----------------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| 03/30/2023 13:33:22 | gh53av89ifehmpo5e | NULL       | "An TLS 1.1 connection request was received from a |
| 03/30/2023 13:33:22 | gh53av89ifehmpo5d | NULL       | "An TLS 1.0 connection request was received from a |
| 03/30/2023 13:33:23 | gh53av89ifehmpo5o | NULL       | "An TLS 1.1 connection request was received from a |
| 03/30/2023 13:33:24 | gh53av89ifehmpo5r | NULL       | "An TLS 1.2 connection request was received from a |
| 03/30/2023 13:44:08 | gh53av89ifehmpo6b | NULL       | "An error occurred while using SSL configuration f |
| 03/30/2023 13:51:38 | gh53av89ifehmpo6d | NULL       | "An error occurred while using SSL configuration f |
| 03/30/2023 13:53:38 | rh4iofg12znj07    | "https://XXX/client/abort?transport=serverSentEvents\u0026clientProtocol=2.1\" | "System.Web.HttpException (0x80070057): The remote |
| 03/30/2023 13:53:51 | svb32tg14gii2c    | "https://XXX/client/abort?transport=serverSentEvents\" | "System.Web.HttpException (0x80070057): The remote |

Show full user name for ps command by joining with /etc/passwd file.

$ ps aux | qcat "SELECT column4 USER, ps.PID, ps.COMMAND FROM - AS ps JOIN (SELECT * FROM '/etc/passwd' FORMAT csv(delimiter=>':', has_header=>false)) psw ON ps.USER = psw.column0"
| USER       | ps.PID | ps.COMMAND                    |
| ---------- | ------ | ----------------------------- |
|            | 1      | /sbin/init                    |
|            | 2      | [kthreadd]                    |
| PolicyKit daemon | 976 | /usr/lib/polkit-1/polkitd  |

Query CSV file with "a" and "b" numeric columns.

$ qcat --var csv=/tmp/1.csv "select a + b from csv"

NuGet Package

You can use the QueryCat library in your project. See SDK sections in the docs.

$ dotnet add package QueryCat



  • Not the whole SQL standard is implemented.
  • Only limited amount of rows sources supports INSERT and UPDATE commands.