Ebet2 is a web application which allows you to make safe bets on matches.
Current features:
- Create leagues and add matches to them.
- Make, update, delete bets on matches.
- Automatically update user's score when match result is set.
- Download matches info from external source.
- Create user module to register users.
- API security (JWT tokens)
- Scheduler to leagues auto-update
Under development:
- Remove spring
Planned features:
- spring boot, data
- unirest
- vavr
- lombok
Postgesql as database
Application is divided into independent modules. All modules are hidden by package-scope and provide facade with operations which other modules can use. When a module requires some other module, he must use his facade. If needed module takes care of IO (database, endpoints) on it own, it doesn't inform world e.g. which database it is using.
Each domain part of the modules is written in pure java. I'm trying to remove dependencies to infrastructure using e.g. repository pattern. This approach allows me to provide different implementation in configuration class. For example: during a test I use 'in memory' version of all modules, without IO, so I don't have to use Mockito to mock database because I provide HashMap-based repository implementation. This is generally faster.
A big advantage of this kind of separation is a possibility to take some module and turn them into micro-service (I heard that it's fashionable).
- League
Provides operation to create, delete etc. operations on leagues and matches.
- Bet
Provides possibilities to make, update etc. bets on matches.
- Points
Handle calculating users score in each league.
- Results
Register future matches into result fetching scheduler.
- External
Importing data from external source.
- Users
Register and login users.
I try to avoid using spring 'magic'. Why? To find another way to build application then @Component and @Autowired. Currently I use spring to put together modules as beans but I believe I could use ratpack and jooq as well.