
A Python Wrapper that handle file.io Restful API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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This Python package is a wrapper for the file.io Restful API, allowing for easy 'uploading' and 'downloading' of files and retrieval of account information, such as storage usage and other relevant metrics.

What is file.io?

File.io is a cloud storage service that allows users to easily upload files, share them via links, and automatically delete them after download or within a set time period for added security. By default, the service is configured to delete files after they have been downloaded once.


Method Auth? Restful API fileio_wrapper
Upload Optional POST / Fileio.upload()
Download Optional GET /{key} Fileio.download
List Files Required GET / fileio.list
Account Information Required GET /me fileio.me
Update All Required PUT /{key} fileio.update(mode='replace_all')
Update Parital Required PATCH /{key} fileio.update(mode='replace_partial')
Delete Required DELETE /{key} fileio.delete


Install the package

PyPI Package Link

pip install fileio-wrapper

Import the package

Import Example:

from fileio_wrapper import Fileio


Some methods in this service do not require authentication, which means that you can upload or download files without needing to authenticate.

Authentication Declaration:


Authentication Example:

  1. To generate your API key for file.io, go to https://www.file.io/account/apikeys
  2. To authenticate a Fileio instance, include the necessary credentials during construction
    fileio = Fileio(fileio_api_key)


Uploading files to file.io is easy and can be done without authentication. However, if you authenticate with the service, you can manage your uploaded files and have access to greater storage capacity by purchasing a paid plan.

Upload Declaration:

Fileio.upload(file[, expires][, max_downloads][, auto_delete])
fileio.upload(file[, expires][, max_downloads][, auto_delete])

Upload Parameter

Parameter Description Default Value Free Account Limit
file The filepath of the file to upload
expires The expiration date of the uploaded file 14 days 1 year
max_downloads The maximum number of times the file can be downloaded 1 1
auto_delete Whether to delete the file when it expires or has reached the maximum number of downloads True True

Upload Example:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from fileio_wrapper import Fileio

filepath = './file.txt'

# Uploade files without authentication
# > The expiration date cannot be more than one year
# > Both max downloads and auto_delete are unnecessary and cannot be changed
Fileio.upload(filepath, expires="20221231T235959")

# Uploade files with authentication
fileio = Fileio(fileio_api_key)
fileio.upload(filepath)  # Default: expires='14d', max_downloads=1, auto_delete=True
fileio.upload(filepath, expires=None)  # The file never expires (requires a paid plan).
fileio.upload(filepath, expires="10m")  # Expiration time specified in a count-down format "^[1-9][\d]*[y|Q|M|w|d|h|m|s]$".
fileio.upload(filepath, expires="20221231T235959")  # Expiration time specified in ISO 8601 format.
fileio.upload(filepath, expires=datetime(2023, 1, 1))  # Expiration time specified as a datetime object.
fileio.upload(filepath, expires=timedelta(seconds=60000))  # Expiration time specified as a timedelta object from now.
fileio.upload(filepath, max_downloads=None)  # No limit on the number of times the file can be downloaded (requires a paid plan).
fileio.upload(filepath, max_downloads=10)  # The file can be downloaded up to 10 times (requires a paid plan).
fileio.upload(filepath, auto_delete=True)  # The file will not be automatically deleted after it expires or reaches max_downloads (requires a paid plan).

# The response is a dictionary containing information about the uploaded file.
resp = fileio.upload(filepath)
success = resp['success']  # True if upload was successful
status = resp['status']  # HTTP status code
key = resp['key']  # ID of uploaded file
link = resp['link']  # Link to file (not a direct link)


You can download the file from file.io without authentication. Notice that each file can only be downloaded once by default and will be automatically deleted afterwards, regardless of whether you authenticate or not. The maximum number of downloads allowed for a file is determined by the uploader, and can be increased with a paid account.

Download Declaration:

Fileio.download(key[, file])
fileio.download(key[, file])

Download Parameter

Parameter Description Default
key Identity of uploaded file
file Filepath of file to download None

Download Example:

from fileio_wrapper import Fileio

key = 'ZDu1og7rOkJq'

# Download without Authentication

# Download with Authentication
# > Assuming the uploaded file is named "original_name.txt"
fileio = Fileio(fileio_api_key)
fileio.downlaod(key)  # Raw-Byte in key 'content'
fileio.downlaod(key, '')  # Raw-Byte in key 'content'
fileio.download(key, "folder")  # Download to ./filder/original_name.txt
fileio.download(key, "assigned_name.txt")  # Download to ./assigned_name.txt

# Response is dict of downloaded file information if file parameter is assigned.
resp = fileio.download(key, "folder")
success = resp['success']  # True if upload was successful
status = resp['status']  # HTTP status code
key = resp['key']  # ID of uploaded file
path = resp['path']  # Directory of downloaded file located
name = resp['name']  # Filename of Downloaded file

List Files

List File in an account. Authenticate is needed to call the method.

List Declaration:

fileio.list([search][, sort][, offset][, limit])

List Parameter

Parameter Description Default
search Filter filename
(Can't search other field)
sort Sort on specific field None
offset Return start index None
limit Max returned item None

List Example:

from fileio_wrapper import Fileio


fileio = Fileio(fileio_api_key)

# List all items in the account

# List items with filename containing 'txt'

# List items and sort by size

# List items starting from the fourth element

# List at most 5 items

# If the 'file' parameter is assigned, the response is a dictionary of information for the downloaded file
resp = fileio.list()
for item in resp['nodes']:
    key = item['key']  # Identity of the file
    link = item['link']  # Link to the file (this is not a direct link)
    name = item['name']  # Name of the file
    size = item['size']  # Size of the file in bytes

Account Information

Retrive Account Information, such as account plan level and restriction. Authenticate is needed to call the method.

Me Declaration


Me Example

from fileio_wrapper import Fileio


# Get account information with authentication
fileio = Fileio(fileio_api_key)
resp = fileio.me()

# Extract account details from response
storage_limit = resp['maxStorageBytes']  # Maximum storage limit in bytes
storage_used = resp['usedStorageBytes']  # Amount of storage used in bytes
can_get_direct_url = resp['directDownload']  # Whether direct download URLs are available (0 for free accounts)
rate_limit = resp['rateLimit']  # Maximum number of API calls allowed per second


Update an uploaded file by providing its key and modifying its attributes, such as the expiration date, maximum number of downloads, or even the file itself associated with the key. Authenticate is needed to call the method.

Update Declaration:

fileio.update(key[, file][, expires][, max_downloads][, auto_delete][, mode='replace_partial'])
fileio.update(key, file[, expires][, max_downloads][, auto_delete], mode='replace_all')

Update Parameter

Parameter Description Default Value Free Account Limit
key Identity of uploaded file
file The filepath of the file to upload
expires The expiration date of the uploaded file 14 days 1 year
max_downloads The maximum number of times the file can be downloaded 1 1
auto_delete Whether to delete the file when it expires or has reached the maximum number of downloads True True
mode 'replace_partial'
or 'replace_all'

Update Example:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from fileio_wrapper import Fileio

filepath = './file.txt'

fileio = Fileio(fileio_api_key)

# Update file to another only
fileio.update(key, file=filepath)
fileio.update(key, file=filepath, mode='replace_partial')

## Update expiration date only
fileio.upload(key, expires=None)  # The file never expires (requires a paid plan).
fileio.upload(key, expires="10m")  # Expiration time specified in a count-down format "^[1-9][\d]*[y|Q|M|w|d|h|m|s]$".
fileio.upload(key, expires="20221231T235959")  # Expiration time specified in ISO 8601 format.
fileio.upload(key, expires=datetime(2023, 1, 1))  # Expiration time specified as a datetime object.
fileio.upload(key, expires=timedelta(seconds=60000))  # Expiration time specified as a timedelta object from now.

## Update max_downloads or auto_delete only
fileio.upload(key, max_downloads=None)  # No limit on the number of times the file can be downloaded (requires a paid plan).
fileio.upload(key, max_downloads=10)  # The file can be downloaded up to 10 times (requires a paid plan).
fileio.upload(key, auto_delete=True)  # The file will not be automatically deleted after it expires or reaches max_downloads (requires a paid plan).

# Update all fields at once. 
# If a field is not assigned a value, the default value will be used.
fileio.update(key, file=filepath, mode='replace_all')  # Default: expires='14d', max_downloads=1, auto_delete=True
fileio.update(key, max_download=1)  # The API returned an error response. Since this mode requires updating all fields, the file parameter is mandatory.

# Response is dict of uploaded file information after update
resp = fileio.update(filepath)
success = resp['success']  # True if upload was successful
status = resp['status']  # HTTP status code
key = resp['key']  # ID of uploaded file
link = resp['link']  # Link to file (not a direct link)


Delete Declaration:


Delete Parameter

Parameter Description
key Identity of uploaded file

Delete Example

from fileio_wrapper import Fileio

key = 'ZDu1og7rOkJq'

# Delete files with authentication
