Online Multiplayer Chess Game

A Multiplayer Chess Game that can be played between two players with real-time communication both through chat and Video Conferencing.


Made Using ReactJS , Nodejs , and Simple-Peer and Bootstrap.


  • Create or Join Rooms so that your friend can join it (Atmost 2 players can be present in the room).
  • Chess with real time updates (The admin is by default white and the other player is black).
  • Real time Communication through Video Conferencing.
  • Real time Chat Feature as Well (For reference consider the image attached below).

Some Screenshots:-



  • Clone the repo.
  • cd into client directory.
yarn install

If you don't have yarn then you can use npm

npm install
  • cd back to main directory.
  • cd into server directory.
yarn install

If you don't have yarn then you can use npm

npm install

Start your server

cd server
yarn start (or npm run client)

To run the client.

cd client
yarn start (or npm run client)