A place for Open Information sharing, focused on public liberty.
See bottom of page for important disclaimer. This project has a wiki which needs to be updated to reflect the content in this project on the github site, located ere:
Content related to this project is given more public exposure via a blog:
The goal is ultimately intended to have this information readily available to anyone using a peer to peer, open source technology created for this intention, called AEBL:
The AEBL technology has an underlying, p2p, open source broadcast technology being developed specifically to carry the information and enable sharing, called noo-ebs (911 - Emergency Broadcast System):
One of, the reasons for this project is inspired by those who have thought about what would happen if there was some sort of extinction event, that humans managed to survive in some non-fatal density, and all modern amenities ceased to exist. How could humans rebuild?
Another reason is simply for the philisophical, or maybe even practical, solutions for how, at least certain populations, may enable themselves to be self sufficient individually, and in groups.
The information provided for and in this project is intended to allow everyone to potentially envision and also create positive changes within their lives, and to share that knowledge with others.
The OpEn project was added as a subtree. For information on the process, feel free to read the associated note: https://github.com/krattai/Op_In/blob/master/OpEn_subtree_note.txt
Please note that any changes to the OpEn subtree in this project may conflict with changes in the OpEn project. If you wish to make changes or help with the OpEn content, please use the OpEn project repository: https://github.com/krattai/OpEn
If you wish to help out, please feel free to fork this project and also to make changes and have them placed back on this master project, which helps everyone.
If you have a fork of the project and would like to get updates, and are only familiar with the web interface, follow the instruction on the following page and your fork will merge updates from the master: http://www.hpique.com/2013/09/updating-a-fork-directly-from-github/
Nothing in life is guaranteed. The information contained in this project is ultimately, just information to be read, considered, and thought about. At best, it may provide valuable resource material, at worst, it could have seriously negative consequences. Yes, even potentially death.
The owner of this project, nor any of those participating with and contributing to this project, shall be held liable for any negative consequences to pursuing the information or ideas contained in this project. You are entirely responsible for what you do and the results of those actions.
This project is generally under public domain. The goal being to increase the scope, range, and depth of common knowledge in a provable form.
See further license information in the https://github.com/krattai/Op_In/blob/master/license_notes.txt and https://github.com/krattai/Op_In/blob/master/creative_commons_by_4.0 documents.
Other content in this project may be licensed otherwise and should be directly noted within the content, although generally it is not recommended to submit content for the project for which you are not the copyright owner of, and of which there is a highly restrictive license attached. Such material and content is subject to being removed from the Op_In project.