
Code for our WRR paper "Toward Improved Predictions in Ungauged Basins: Exploiting the Power of Machine Learning"

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Long Short-Term Memory networks for Prediction in Ungauged Basins:

Accompanying code for our WRR submission "Toward Improved Predictions in Ungauged Basins: Exploiting the Power of Machine Learning"

Steps to Recreate Results from Paper:

  1. Get CAMELS data from https://ral.ucar.edu/solutions/products/camels. The filepath must be: './data/basin_dataset_public_v1p2' and must include the CAMELS attributes as a subdirectory: './data/basin_dataset_public_v1p2/camels_attributes_v2.0'.

  2. Download the updated NLDAS forcings from HydroShare. These include daily min and max temperature, compared to the CAMELS NLDAS forcings that only contain daily mean temperature.

  3. Run the training scripts: 'train_global.sh' or 'train_pub.sh'. Options for the global script are: (i) the model type: 'lstm' or 'ealstm' (ref HESSD paper here), and (ii) the option to use catchment attributes as static input features: 'static' or 'no_static'. Options for the PUB training script are just the model type, since PUB requires catchment attributes.

These bash scripts assume that you have a certain number of GPUs available for training. If no GPUS are available for training, the 'gpu=' arguments in the runtime lines (e.g., 'python3 main.py ...') must be changed to 'gpu=-1'. The number of GPUs available on the current machine goes in line 10 (global) / 16 (PUB) and the index for the last GPU goes in line 40 (global) / 36 (PUB).

These scripts are set up to run 10 random restarts of each type of experiment. The PUB experiments use k-fold (cross-site) validation with k=12 splits. These parameters can be changed in the bash traning scripts.

Runtime progress can be monitored in the 'reports' subdirectory. Each experiment type (e.g., 'global_lstm_static') will create a separate runtime file for each restart and each k-fold split, numbered appropriately. Tail these to see real-time training progress.

  1. Run the test scripts: 'run_global.py' or 'run_pub.py'. Options for these include (i) the experiment name and (ii) the GPU index that you want to run on (use -1 to indicate running on the CPU). The experiment name is the file name (less any numeric identifiers) of the training report file. Outputs from these runs are stored in CSV (human-readable) files in the './analysis/resutls/' subdirectory.

  2. Run the 'extract_benchmarks.py' script to prepare the benchmark data for statistical analysis. Results will be stored in CSV (human-readable) files in the './analysis/results_data/' subdirectory.

  3. In the 'analysis' subdirectory, run the 'main_performance_ensemble_only.py' or 'main_performance.py' scripts to get ensemble performance statistics or basin performance statistics, respectively. These statistics are stored in the './analysis/stats' subdirectory.

  4. Run the matlab script 'main_plots.m' in the 'analysis' subdirectory to make plots like what are in the paper. Figures are stored in the './analysis/figures/' subdirectory.


Frederik Kratzert: kratzert@ml.jku.at


If you use any of this code in your experiments, please make sure to cite the following publication

Note: At this point, the paper is accepted, yet online online as preview and no further information about the volumne and pages are available. Check the WRR Homepage for an update of the citation.

author = {Kratzert, Frederik and Klotz, Daniel and Herrnegger, Mathew and Sampson, Alden K. and Hochreiter, Sepp and Nearing, Grey S.},
title = {Toward Improved Predictions in Ungauged Basins: Exploiting the Power of Machine Learning},
journal = {Water Resources Research},
volume = {n/a},
number = {n/a},
pages = {},
doi = {10.1029/2019WR026065}

License of our code

Apache License 2.0