
Rust library and utility to parse SMTP TLS Reports (RFC8460)

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION


Rust library and utility to parse SMTP TLS Reports (RFC8460).


  • Parse SMTP TLS reports from JSON and RFC822 email
  • Filter and pull SMTP TLS report emails over IMAP
  • Produce summary reports of reports parsed over a period


The following assumes you've got MTA-STS (RFC 8461) set up using, for example, this NCSC MTA-STS guide.


$ dig txt _mta-sts.krvtz.net +short
"v=STSv1; id=202406081231;"
$ curl https://mta-sts.krvtz.net/.well-known/mta-sts.txt
version: STSv1
mode: enforce
max_age: 10368000
mx: carp-20.krvtz.net
$ dig txt _smtp._tls.krvtz.net +short

Note the last record - this is the mailbox where SMTP TLS reports will be sent to, and from where you want them pulled from. It can be any email provider with IMAP support but it needs to be outside of the your MTA-STS protected domain.

Install the binary (you need a working Rust compiler):

$ cargo install --git https://git.sr.ht/~kravietz/tlsrpt-rs tlsrpt

Binaries end up in ~/.cargo/bin, so you may want to update your shell's PATH variable.

Add to crontab:

$ crontab -e
# add the following
@hourly env IMAP_USER=tlsrpt@example.com IMAP_PASS=… /home/user/.cargo/bin/tlsrpt imap --server imap.example.com
@hourly /home/user/.cargo/bin/tlsrpt report
@weekly /home/user/.cargo/bin/tlsrpt --verbose report

Routine success reports will be recorded but produce no reports. Any failure report will produce an alert email, plus there's a weekly summary of all success and failure alerts over the whole period. To reset statistics, simply remove the tlsprt.json file.

Commands summary

  • parse Parse TLS-RPT from JSON or RFC5322 email
  • imap Parse TLS-RPT from IMAP server
  • report Summarize reports seen previously


  -v, --verbose  
  -d, --debug    
  -b, --db <DB>  location of the status file [default: tlsrpt.json]

Note the generic options (e.g. --debug) are placed before the action command (e.g. parse).

Command parse

Parse a SMTP TLS report on standard input with auto-detection of JSON (raw report) or RFC822 (gzipped JSON attachment embedded in an .eml file). Reports and their timeline are written to a local database file (default: ./tlsrpt.json) for further use by tlsrpt report. This command can be used in scripts, for manual parsing of reports or placing in a mailer pipeline (e.g. /etc/aliases). With these use cases in mind, the command produces no output by default, except for errors. With --verbose it will display the report id, with --debug it will pretty-print detailed report structure.


-n, --no-write             do not update status file


$ tlsrpt --verbose parse --no-write < tlsrpt/fixtures/mail.ru.eml
Found TLS report: c96d67df-0440-57f7-6e96-c83824d0fdf2@mail.ru
$  tlsrpt --debug parse --no-write < tlsrpt/fixtures/mail.ru.eml
TlsRpt {
    organization_name: "Mail.ru",
    date_range: TlsRptDateRange {
        start_datetime: 2023-01-25 0:00:00.0 +00:00:00,
        end_datetime: 2023-01-26 0:00:00.0 +00:00:00,

Command imap

Fetch SMTP TLS report emails from an IMAP mailbox. IMAP server parameters can be specified with either command line options or environmental variables (especially suitable for credentials) but command-line options take precedence over environment variables. The use case is the rua=mailto:reports@example.com reporting policy per RFC 8460 3.1.1 where a third-party domain is being used for receiving the reports because when your primary email domain MTA-STS is broken no reports will arrive there in the first place.

  -s, --server <SERVER>      IMAP server hostname [env: IMAP_SERVER=]
  -U, --username <USERNAME>  IMAP username [env: IMAP_USER=]
  -P, --password <PASSWORD>  IMAP password [env: IMAP_PASS=]
  -m, --mailbox <MAILBOX>    IMAP mailbox [env: IMAP_MAILBOX=] [default: INBOX]
  -p, --port <PORT>          IMAP port [env: IMAP_PORT=] [default: 993]
  -f, --filter <FILTER>      Find TLSRPT emails in mailbox using header (faster, but not supported by all IMAP servers)
                             or by subject (slower, subject to false positives) [default: header] [possible values: header, subject]
  -n, --no-write             do not update status file

Per RFC 8460 each SMTP TLS report email should contain a TLS-Report-Domain header, which significantly simplifies searching for such reports in the IMAP mailbox. For IMAP servers that do not support header search there's a fallback method selected using --filter=subject which will search for emails with subject starting with Report Domain:.


$ env IMAP_USER=user@example.com IMAP_PASS="…" \
    tlsrpt --verbose imap --server imap.example.com --port 993
Found TLS report: 2024-09-18T00:00:00Z_krvtz.net
Found TLS report: 2024-09-13T00:00:00Z_krvtz.net
Found TLS report: 2024-09-15T00:00:00Z_krvtz.net
Found TLS report: 133725431418780496+krvtz.net
Found TLS report: 2024-09-19T00:00:00Z_krvtz.net
Found TLS report: 133708152202987951+krvtz.net

Command report

Read the status file (default: tlsrpt.json) and alert about any failures only. When --verbose options is passed, the summary also displays successful reports. This command is intended to be run manually or from cron, producing an email in case of a reported TLS failure.


$ tlsrpt --verbose report
Reading 26 reports
Sts	krvtz.net	0 failures	2 successes	Google Inc. 2024-09-23 0:00:00.0 +00:00:00
Sts	krvtz.net	1 failures	0 successes	Mail.ru 2023-01-25 0:00:00.0 +00:00:00
	StsPolicyFetchError	MX	None	Failure code: unable to do http request:
	Get "https://mta-sts.krvtz.net/.well-known/mta-sts.txt": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)	
Sts	krvtz.net	0 failures	4 successes	Google Inc. 2024-09-30 0:00:00.0 +00:00:00
Sts	krvtz.net	0 failures	3 successes	Google Inc. 2024-09-25 0:00:00.0 +00:00:00


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