
Simple interactive nav with vanilla javascript.

Primary LanguageCSS


Boilerplate with Gulp Jade Stylus and CoffeeScript

This is a quick little boilerplate using Gulp to streamline Jade, Stylus and CoffeeScript compilation. Jeet is included for responsive grid functionality.


  1. In the project root, run 'npm install'

  2. Run gulp to compile all static assets from 'src' into their build destinations.

  3. Optional: Run gulp watch to poll for changes.

Currently the setup minifies and uglifies the css and js. If you want more readable source code do the following:

In gulpfile.coffee:

CSS: Remove all instances of .pipe(minify({keepBreaks:false}))

JS: Remove all instances of .pipe(uglify())

JADE: Change .pipe(plugins.jade({ pretty: false })) to .pipe(plugins.jade({ pretty: true }))

In order to use the Live Reload functionanlity, download the livereload plugin for your browser at: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/livereload/jnihajbhpnppcggbcgedagnkighmdlei?hl=en