A peek at CycleJS

"Slides" for the MalmöJS React alternatives meetup peek into CycleJS!

Available at https://github.com/krawaller/cycle-example-covid (along with example source)

Example app

Source code in this repo

Published live at https://malmojs-cycle.netlify.app/

Example app apologies

For ease of showing code, I have

  • many files
  • verbose typings
  • very religious patterns

Real app would be way more succinct

Reactive programming

You've probably seen this gist by André Staltz!

His framework takes the dog VERY literally.


Been around for quite a while!

Staltz' talk at ReactConf 2015


Totally stream based

Uses xstream internally (for now)

...but there are adapters for RXJS, etc

CycleJS basic flow

  • Components: Your programs! Pure functions.
  • Drivers: Where side effects happen
  • Sources: Obj of streams, input to components
  • Sinks: Obj of streams, output from components


Each driver operates on a key in the sources/sinks.

An important example is the DOM driver:

  • sources.DOM lets you catch events
  • sinks.DOM is a stream of vnodes (to be rendered)

Homemade drivers

The example app has two home-made drivers:

  • logDriver logs every new state emission
  • localStorageDriver saves/loads to LS

CycleJS Components

Components are composable

Example app structure

Component tree:

The MVI pattern

Internally a component will commonly use the Model View Intent pattern

The ConfirmButton component in example adheres to this.

Fractal state approach

Cycle State API

Outermost component has entire state (like redux store)


Adapted for child component via lenses

MVI pattern with Cycle State

Most example components look like this.

Composite Component

CycleJS future

  • NeoCycle
  • Callbags