This is a modified version of WifSolverCuda v0.5.0 by PawGo
This is a soft for recovering unknown (lost) characters in the middle and beginning of a (Wallet Import Format) private key.
If you have a lost WIF private key end (on the right), use soft Wif key Recovery
Help page: WifSolverCuda.exe -h
C:\Users\User>WifSolverCuda.exe -h
WifSolverCuda v3.0 (phrutis modification 10.04.2022)
-wif START WIF key 5.... (51 characters) or L..., K...., (52 characters)
-wif2 END WIF key 5.... (51 characters) or L..., K...., (52 characters)
-a Bitcoin address 1.... or 3.....
-n Letter number from left to right from 9 to 51
-n2 Spin additional letters -n2 from 9 to 51 (every sec +1)
-turbo Quick mode (skip 3 identical letters in a row) -turbo 3 (default: OFF)
-part1 First part of the key starting with K, L or 5 (for random mode)
-part2 The second part of the key with a checksum (for random mode)
-fresult The name of the output file about the find (default: FOUND.txt)
-fname The name of the checkpoint save file to continue (default: GPUid + Continue.txt)
-ftime Save checkpoint to continue every sec (default 60 sec)
-d DeviceId. Number GPU (default 0)
-list Shows available devices
-h Shows help page
The Compressed WIF key must span K... or L... contain 52 characters.
The Uncompressed WIF key must span 5... contain 51 characters.
Example WIF key: KyBLV6rrV9hsbsU96VwmEtMnACavqnKnEi7_________J9tM5JQQSo
Replace unknown (missing) characters in a row with a capital X
(min. 4, max. 15 X)
We collect the key: KyBLV6rrV9hsbsU96VwmEtMnACavqnKnEi7XXXXXXX
J9tM5JQQSo (52)
We need to twist the first unknown letter X
, this symbol is number 11
Minimum position -n 9 (-n 51 max, 1-8 this is the checksum it can't be rotated)
Run: WifSolverCuda.exe -wif KyBLV6rrV9hsbsU96VwmEtMnACavqnKnEi7XXXXXXXJ9tM5JQQSo -n 11 -a 1EpMLcfjKsQCYUAaVj9mk981qkmT5bxvor
card | compressed with collision | all other cases |
RTX 3090 | 29 Gkey/s | 4.0 Gkey/s |
RTX 3080 Ti | 29 Gkey/s | 4.0 Gkey/s |
RTX 3060 eGPU | 10 Gkey/s | 1.3 Gkey/s |
RTX 2070 | 12 Gkey/s | 1.4 Gkey/s |
GTX 1080TI | 6 Gkey/s | 700 Mkey/s |
If the speed is several times higher than in the table. Your WIF key is not correct.
If you need help recovering your private key, contact telegram
Сontinuation of the last checkpoint from the file Сontinuation.txt
Run: WifSolverCuda.exe -wif KyBLV6rrV9hsbsU96VwmEtMnACavqnKnAaZvihMARQJ9tM5JQQSo -wif2 L5oLkpV3aqBjhki6LmvChTCV6odsp4SXM6FfU2Gppt5kFLaHLuZ9 -a 1XXXLcfjKsQCYUAaVj9mk981qkmT5bxvor -n 11 -turbo 3 -d 0
Run: WifSolverCuda.exe -wif KyBLV6rrV9hsbsU96VwmEtMnACavqnKnAaZb5xcbaaJ9tM5JQQSo -n 11 -a 1XXXLcfjKsQCYUAaVj9mk981qkmT5bxvor -turbo 3
Run: WifSolverCuda.exe -wif KyBLV6rrV9hsbsU961wmEtMnACavqnKnEi7eY11111J9tM5JQQSo -n 11 -n2 35 -a 1EpMLcfjKsQCYUAaVj9mk981qkmT5bxvor
Run: WifSolverCuda.exe -part1 KyBLV6rrV9hsbsU96VwmEtMnACavqnKnEi7 -part2 J9tM5JQQSo -a 1EpMLcfjKsQCYUAaVj9mk981qkmT5bxvor
RTX 30xx - CUDA version 11.6 compute_cap=86 use the prepared file WifSolverCuda.vcxproj from the Other folder.
For others GPUs - CUDA version 10.2 compute_cap=54
Go to linux/ subfolder and execute make all. If your device does not support compute capability=86 (error "No kernel image is available for execution on the device"), do the change in Makefile (for example 1080Ti requires COMPUTE_CAP=61).