Pinned issues
- 14
Memory Fault (core dumped)
#261 opened by pfr-dev - 2
Spotify-qt cannot start/detect librespot and spotifyd
#263 opened by Skorrr - 0
- 6
- 0
Segmentation fault
#251 opened by rNoz - 10
- 1
- 2
Failed to load playlists from cache
#262 opened by intera91 - 1
- 1
Feature request: libshout output with interface
#258 opened by mustafejen - 0
- 1
Feature request: Pin queue
#256 opened by aosar - 1
An AppArmor policy prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient
#254 opened by jojoharry16 - 2
Pass custom arguments to backend process
#223 opened by instinctualjealousy - 4
- 3
- 1
- 0
Provided AppImage falls back to XWayland
#249 opened by tannenfreund87 - 1
[QUESTION] librespot-python
#242 opened by PATATAGAME554 - 2
Discord RPC?
#230 opened by alyxeo2k - 4
- 2
Inability to resize window
#222 opened by caharlock - 0
Some singles are missing in Discography
#239 opened by Matipolit - 0
Window size not persistent between sessions
#238 opened by kariyna - 0
inaccessible lyrics
#237 opened by klemensn - 2
Removed songs break indexing of playlists
#209 opened by ptrcnull - 1
Spotifyd issue
#236 opened by kirk781 - 1
Liked Songs playlist unavailable.
#235 opened by RokeJulianLockhart - 3
- 1
Responsive Design
#204 opened by imhemish - 1
Resizing only affects height not width
#231 opened by RaccBoii - 4
No active device found
#210 opened by tigaente - 1
Allow more/custom parameters for librespot
#229 opened by JustMyGithub - 1
seekbar increments forward while paused when using librespot-java as backend (otherwise works great)
#224 opened by instinctualjealousy - 3
does not work with gnome-keyring
#213 opened by xavierbaez - 1
Duplicate of playlist names in add playlist
#221 opened by kukus888 - 0
- 0
- 3
- 0
Spotify-qt passes invalid argument to librespot 0.5.0
#217 opened by riiga - 2
Setting up development environment
#200 opened by castn - 1
Serious memory usage on startup (possible leak?)
#215 opened by jacksongoode - 1
Build Failure on FreeBSD due to `undefined template 'std::hash<lib::player_action>'`
#214 opened by herrhotzenplotz - 2
- 1
Vivek umredkar
#211 opened by praviEntertainment23 - 2
Unable to initialize.
#201 opened by RokeJulianLockhart - 3
Doesn't register ncspot playing.
#202 opened by m0rg5 - 1
Can't repeat, cant change volume
#206 opened by toprak - 0
feature request: focus follows playback
#205 opened by treeshateorcs - 0
Slow window/UI repositioning
#199 opened by jacksongoode