
Recreation of OpenSSL's implementation of DES (Data Encryption Standard).

Primary LanguageC


Recreation of OpenSSL's implementation of DES (Data Encryption Standard). Coded as part of 42 University's encryption branch.

Getting started

From the root directory, run:


To run the exectuable, enter:

./ft_ssl [command] [options] [arguments]

Current available commands:


Options handled:

-e    encrypt
-d/-D decrypt
-i    input [file]
-o    ouput [file]
-a    apply base64 encryption/decryption
-k/-K key string in hex
-v    initialization vector in hex
-p    print key
-n    nopad mode (pads with zeroes)

If no input file is supplied, the program reads from standard input. Likewise, if no output file is specified, the program writes to standard output.

Using the testing suite

Run the included script "differ.sh" to test the output of ft_ssl against openssl's.

./scripts/des_differ.sh [plain/cipher text] [key (optional)] [initialization vector (optional)]

The results of each command's encryption/decryption are compared with base64/OpenSSL's results using the command line's "diff". On failure, the difference in outputs are displayed. Otherwise, all is good! Additional in/out piping tests are performed to ensure reads from standard input are clean.