
Project for Mobile & IoT Computing Services

Primary LanguageSwift


GimmeAHand Logo

Project for Mobile & IoT Computing Services


This app is written in Swift 5 and Xcode 12.4.

With lovely Swift Package Manager, the life of managing 3rd party libraries has been way easier than before...

  1. Open GimmeAHand.xcworkspace.
  2. Cmd + R to run.
  3. To modify the default launching storyboard, in Xcode, click GimmeAHand.xcodeproj -> General and change in Deployment Info -> Main Interface and Info.plist -> Application Scene Manifest -> Scene Configuration -> Application Session Role -> Item 0 -> Storyboard Name.

Project Structure

  • This app is constructed in MVC (model-view-controller) architecture.
  • The files are organized and grouped by modules, i.e. Homepage, Order, Profile and Login/Register.
  • The view components are mostly in *.storyboard files, along with other reusable views written in code (located in CustomizedViews folder) for fast prototyping and work division.
  • The controller components are in *ViewController.swift files.
  • The model components are in *Model.swift files and managed by *Helper.swift files. The models all comply to NSSecureCoding protocol so that they can be serialized to Data and saved in UserDefaults.
  • There is a MockDataStore.swift file to provide some realistic mock data for demo purposes.

A folder-level app strcture is described in the following tree (only folders are displayed).

└── GimmeAHand
    ├── Common                      # common reusable view controllers
    ├── Constants                   # constants and enumerations used across the app
    ├── CustomizedViews             # common reusable views
    ├── DataHelper                  # helpers to get/save data models on device
    ├── DataModel                   # data models (Order, User, Community)
    ├── Extensions                  # extensions for UIView, UIViewController, etc.
    ├── Homepage                    # all view controllers related to homepage module
    ├── LoginRegister               # all view controllers related to login and register module
    ├── Order                       # all view controllers related to order module
    └── Profile                     # all view controllers related to profile module


  • Kuixi Song
  • Chengyongping Lu
  • Linxiao Cui
  • Yifan Huang
  • Yue Xu