
Trying some code to monitor and log a transform stream

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Log and monitor a tranform stream with an elasticsearch backend

The exercise

the goal for this exercise is to monitor a tranform stream, log the data somewhere, and keep stdout for the data flow

2 possibilities:

  • stderr is already used, then the monitor stream have to load directly into elastic
  • stderr is free for logging, and the logger/store can be plugged here, which offers better composition

As a log, I send a report, when process is done, containing how much inputs and outputs we got, and a computation about the size of the file here (median and total).

Tools choosed:

  • The transform stream here read ls -l lines and transforms them into a js object
  • Pino is the logger
  • Elasticsearch is the store, logs go through Pino-elasticsearch to be loaded


Basic usage

ls -l | tail -n+2 | node index.js

-o, --output:    stderr | elastic, stderr is default
    --nolog:     no logs are written

Use elastic in monitor stream (settings in logger-elastic.js)

ls -l | tail -n+2 | node index.js -o elastic

or use stderr if your transform stream allows it

ls -l | tail -n+2 | node index.js 2> ./node_modules/.bin/pino-elasticsearch

Display only logs in terminal:

ls -l | tail -n+2 | node index.js 2>&1 >/dev/null

Other idea: log filen writen as well as elasticsearch (for backups?)

ls -l | tail -n+2 | node index.js 2> >(tee -a report.log | ./node_modules/.bin/pino-elasticsearch)

Note the tail -n+2 to remove the ls -l total files (which is not parsed here).
