
Angry Birds Clone created in Unity 2019.3.9f1

Primary LanguageC#

Unity Angry Birds Clone

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This project was created with the help of Jason Weimann's tutorial on how to create an Angry Birds clone inside Unity. The general goal of this project was for me to experiment with 2D Unity and develop a game with a simple game loop and a simple main menu system.

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The project uses Unity Cinemachine to give a more enhanced camera experience to the user allowing for the camera to zoom in and out when needed and to focus on certain sprites using target groups.

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With the help of the tutorial I was able to implement some custom features to game. One of these is a function which monitors the enemy sprites to see if they hit the ground or a crate while falling with a specific velocity. This allows for enemy sprites to be killed by the player as if they took fall damage.

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In addition, I implemented some rough UI work for menu scenes with working buttons that the user can use to navigate the game. I also did some rough animation work so the menu scenes seem less bland and have characters moving around.