
This project is library to control gnuplot on windows.

Primary LanguageC#

wgnuplot for C Sharp

Last Update: 2009/01/19

What is it?

This assembly is to control gnuplot on Windows.


  1. Download "gp***win32.zip" from http://gnuplot.info/
  2. Build wgnuplot4cs (Wgnuplot.sln)
  3. On your project, refer Wgnuplot.dll


const string deployPath = @"C:\Tools\gnuplot\binary\";
using (Wgnuplot plot = new Wgnuplot(deployPath + "pgnuplot.exe"))
    plot.Send("splot x**2 + y**2");


MIT License

Copyright (C) 2009 KrdLab All Rights Reserved.