Pinned issues
- 1
- 0
Add Microsoft provider
#944 opened by MicheleIRDG - 1
Issue with Laravel 8
#941 opened by IguchiShigeru - 4
Auth using Emulator with demo project
#844 opened by Ticlext-Altihaf - 1
withServiceAccount(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type array|string
#940 opened by PavelDeveloperUa - 0
Class "Beste\Clock\SystemClock" not found
#939 opened by PavelDeveloperUa - 1
- 2
Validate Registration Tokens returns no result
#937 opened by Rigsto - 5
- 2
sendMulticast in v5.26.5
#933 opened by WilliamGeorge1997 - 0
HTTP-only, secure cookie
#931 opened by ronlinet - 4
6.9.6 sendMulticast maybe too old
#930 opened by xu5pu - 6
SendAll gets an error from Firebase - 501 - Operation is not implemented, or supported, or enabled.
#929 opened by AlexTodessa - 5
- 5
FCM Error: Operation is not implemented, or supported, or enabled - Using Firebase Admin SDK for PHP
#926 opened by sarup - 4
Add features to get firebase server env remote config
#915 opened by HyeZedd - 4
Not able to send image with FCM
#916 opened by Importeer - 4
Retrieve message_id after successful message send
#925 opened by rolinger - 43
Unable to send messaging after updating to 7.10.0
#888 opened by bilulanlv - 1
- 1
CloudMessage::withNotification seems to be broken
#914 opened by geoidesic - 1
Add PHP 8.3 support for Firebase Admin SDK 7.6.*
#912 opened by rhoman - 15
#905 opened by domenico-renna - 1
Add support to use storage from emulators suite
#839 opened by yopaz-tuanha - 1
Send FCM push notifications to iPhone Simulator
#907 opened by FrazeColder - 2
Setting the badge account with $message->withApnsConfig(ApnsConfig::new()->withBadge(123)) does not work
#899 opened by ptmkenny - 8
- 2
bug: TypeError: Kreait\Firebase\Messaging:100
#894 opened by ibrunotome - 1
Is there a way to get a raw response?
#886 opened by yuki12321 - 6
Unknown limit of devices to send to via multicast
#873 opened by Nicasso - 1
Firebase analytics not included
#836 opened by amirdora - 7
- 1
Confirm how this library handles 404 from FCM
#880 opened by marcshilling - 1
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MFA authentication
#864 opened by llKoull - 13
Cannot mock final class for phpunit tests as it's return type is other final class
#858 opened by hitrov - 3
- 1
How to async send messaging?
#852 opened by woodongwong - 7
composer require "kreait/firebase-php:^7.0 doesnt work as intended.| Not able to install latest version via documentation steps.
#851 opened by YogeshwarDBarai - 3
Allow php 8.3
#845 opened by ankurk91 - 5
Undisclosed dependency on guzzlehttp/psr:^2.0
#842 opened by tibbsa - 4
sendMulticast is based on legacy Firebase API
#843 opened by hasan-app4orce - 4
Create tenant programmatically
#837 opened by fideloper - 1
Link to non-existent branches
#834 opened by szepeviktor - 2
- 4
Cannot See Notifications at Firebase Console
#822 opened by kivancagaogluu - 1
Is it possible to add a domain using the LIB?
#823 opened by raphaelvserafim - 1
APNS does not receive notifications
#821 opened by BenLaKnet - 3
HTTP error codes on exceptions
#819 opened by sheldonjuncker - 2