
Processwire admin helper module, handles custom admin ui and options

Primary LanguagePHP


Processwire admin helper module that provides some useful functions and helpers mainly related to the custom admin UI and Process modules.


// module path

// module url

// Check if current page is admin page

// Get current user language

// Encode array to json data, ready to use in html attributes

 * Auto-load Actions
 * Will include files from /actions/ folder based on a specified GET variable
 * @param array $GET - name of the get variable eg: 'my_action' eg: '?my_action=delete'
 * @param string $module - module name
$helper->autoloadActions($GET, $module);

 * Auto-load folder
 * Include all files from a specified folder 
 * @param string $folder - folder path and name eh: __DIR__ . '/hooks/'

Admin Table

Render dynamic data tables.

$selector = "template=MY_TEMPLATE, limit=50, include=all, status!=trash, sort=-created";
$parent_id = $pages->get('template=MY_TEMPLATE')->id;
$template_id = $templates->get('MY_TEMPLATE')->id;

 * Tabs 
$helper->render('markup/admin-tabs.php', [
  "tabs" => [
    "my_tab" => [
      'title' => 'My Tab',
      'url' => "./?tab=my_tab",
      'icon' => 'user',
      'visible' => true,

 * Add new page button
$helper->render('markup/admin-table-new-button', [
  "parent_id" => $parent_id,
  "template_id" => $template_id,
  "text" => "Create New",

 * Admin Table
$helper->render("markup/admin-table", [
  "selector" => $selector, // selector to find pages
  // "close_modal" => "true", // close modal after page save
  "table_actions" => 1, // display page publish-unpublish nd page trash
  // "remove_tabs" => "false", // remove tabs from modal edit
  //"settings_tab" => 1, // display settings tab on modal page edit
  //"delete_tab" => 1, // display delete tab on modal page edit
  //"delete_tab_ref" => "true", // remove delete tab if page has references
  //"references" => false, // link to page references ui
  "dropdown_file" => __DIR__ . "/MY_DROPDOWN_MENU_FILE.php", // dropdown menu file path
  "table_class" => "uk-table-striped uk-table-hover",
  // table fields [label => field_name]
  // you can use dot to get and subfield value eg: "template.name",
  // or you can use page method name to get the value eg: "test()"
  "table_fields" => [
		'thumbnail' => 'admin_table_thumbnail()', // PageClass method
    'ID' => 'id',
    'name' => 'name',