
Ask for confirmation before embedding youtube videos

Primary LanguagePHP


ProcessWire Textformatter module used with TextformatterVideoEmbed module to display privacy mesasge before embedding youtube videos.

How to use

  1. Install TextformatterVideoEmbed module.
  2. Install TextformatterYouTubeConsent module in /site/modules/TextformatterYouTubeConsent/
  3. In any Textarea field using CKEditor or TinyMCE select TextformatterYouTubeConsent for the Text formaters option.

You need to have 'TextformatterVideoEmbed' module installed, but on the field settings you should add only TextformatterYouTubeConsent in the Text formaters option.

Consent is stored in a session variable and this way we dont need a cookie consent.
Mesage is displayed on top of the youtube video poster that is automatically pulled based on the video link.