
A Neumorphic Design extension for SwiftUI

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Neumorphic Design in Swift UI

All the cool kids are doing it these days.

light dark

I originally wrote a worse version of this library for personal use, discovered Costa's Neumorphic package over here and ended up fusing the two together.

This library distills a lot of the neumorphic design down into a view modifier that takes a shape and a height argument. A height of -1.0 will be a full depression and a height of 1.0 will be a full elevation.

I also included some Color extensions and some linear interpolation methods to help with easing. This means that you don't have to stick with normal eggshell and shadow colors! Make it cherry red if you so desire. Use the height modifier in tandem with spring animations to set up cool transitions!

color transition

Basic Usage


I've included extensions for both Color and CGColor since they're the most compatible classes these days. The user has access to some static Colors that all have the prefix n amd static CGColors that all have the prefix cg:

Bright Colors:

  • nNeutral
  • nHighlight
  • nShadow
  • nAlternate

Dark Colors:

  • nNeutralDark
  • nHighlightDark
  • nShadowDark
  • nAlternateDark

The alternate color is what you would use for readable text / high contrast accents.

You can use colorForHex(rgb: 0xwhatever) to specify a CGColor from a hex value. You can convert to a Color using Color(cgColor: mycolor)

CGColor has been extended to include highlight(), shadow(), and alternate(). This allows a user to provide any base color they like and use these functions to generate contrasted, readable text and neumorphic color values that are convincing (most of the time. I'm not great at color theory).

You can also use interpolate() to interpolate between one CGColor and another if you'd like.

Setting up a Background

Typically you will want to have the neumorphic base color extend all the way to the edges. n_bg() will specify a background color with a default light neumorphic tone.


You can also specify any color you'd like using bg() (takes a CGColor):

//red background
let mycolor = colorForHex(rgb: 0xFF0000)
.bg(color: mycolor)

Specifying a shape

A typical usage may look like so:

Text("Hello, World!")
.neumorphic(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15), height: 1.0)
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)

Although it looks a lot nicer if you bold your text and apply the alternate color in the foreground:

Text("Hello, World!")
.neumorphic(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15), height: 1.0)
.frame(width: 200, height: 150)
Depressed Elevated
hw2 hw1

You can add your own custom colors as well. If you'd like to override all colors, typically in the case of merging with a background color that isn't the default, you can pass a CGColor as a color argument. If you'd like to set JUST the inside color without affecting the outer shadowing, you can use innerColor.

import SwiftUI
import Neumorphic

let kermit = colorForHex(rgb: 0x89CE94)
let darkGreen = colorForHex(rgb: 0x183A37)

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("Hi there!").foregroundColor(Color(cgColor: kermit.alternate())).fontWeight(.bold).neumorphic(Circle(), height: -1.0, color: darkGreen, innerColor: kermit).frame(width: 200, height: 150)

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        ContentView().bg(color: darkGreen).edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all)


Buttons, too!

Make em squishy!

Button(action:{}, label: {

Buttons can also take a normal color and inner color argument.


There's a default spread multiplier that can help ring in the radiuses and blurs of the shadows / highlights if you'd like. You can specify a size parameter of the type .small, .medium, .large. The deafult is .medium

Please enjoy and squish away!