stimulus-automagic with Parcel

Inspired by: Stimulus-webpack-helpers

This allows you to add your stimulus controllers automagically with minimal setup.


This depends on Parcel's glob resolver: @parcel/resolver-glob Install it and add it to your parcel configuration file (.parcelrc).


  "extends": "@parcel/config-default",
  "resolvers": ["@parcel/resolver-glob", "..."]


npm install @krebil/parcel-stimulus-automagic


import the folder where your controllers are into your js file. import * as controllers from "./controllers/**/*.ts" or import * as controllers from "./controllers/**/*.js"

Then import definitionsFromContext and use it like in the webpack-helpers repo.

import {definitionsFromContext} from "@krebil/parcel-stimulus-automagic";

var f = definitionsFromContext(controllers)

window.Stimulus = Application.start() 


And that's it!

Clone this repo for a complete example