
just some of my vim configuration files

Primary LanguageVim Script

my vim configuration file

This is a my vim configuration file, mainly focus on the experience of latex, markdown and powershell on windows 10. This configuration includes configuration for vsvim, ideavim, and gvim


I don't see why you need to use my key binding, but anyway...

one liner:


iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chantisnake/vim-config/master/setup.ps1')


sh -c "$(wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chantisnake/vim-config/master/setup.sh -O -)"

You need to manually setup .ideavimrc in linux


1. clone

Just clone this repo into your $DOTVIM folder, typically is vimfiles on windows or .vim on unix.

2. create file

In your $HOME folder creates the following file:

source ~/vimfiles/gvim_config.vim
source ~/vimfiles/vs_vim_config.vim
source ~/vimfiles/idea_vim_config.vim

3. install plugins

you need to first install vundle.

Then run

vim +PluginInstall +qa

one last thing

happy vimming!