I love writing code that makes peoples lives easier. I enjoy working with people who enjoy doing the same.
NSW Government,Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy & Water (DCCEEW)Australia
kreely's Following
- blitz@cyberus-technology
- davidreynoldsSeattle, WA
- digegoBrisbane, Australia
- franzincFranz Inc.
- gigamonkeyBerkeley, CA
- hanshuebnerBerlin
- hikari-no-yumeSweden
- jasomSanta Barbara, CA
- jwiegley@kadena-io
- learnbyexample
- lispdatagraph
- paniczUniwersytet Gdański
- ptitSebFrance
- quicklispQuicklisp
- RamarrenWarsaw, Poland
- sileTokyo, Japan
- simonwDatasette
- svetlyak40wt40Ants
- the-kennyUniversity Hospital Essen
- vindarelFrance
- xachMaine