
Super Fast, Super Anti-Detect, and Super Intuitive Web Driver

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Botasaurus Driver

Botasaurus Driver is a powerful Driver Automation Python library that offers the following benefits:

  • It is really humane; it looks and works exactly like a real browser, allowing it to access any website.
  • Compared to Selenium and Playwright, it is super fast to launch and use.
  • The API is designed by and for web scrapers, and you will love it.


pip install botasaurus-driver

Bypassing Bot Detection: Code Example

from botasaurus_driver import Driver

driver = Driver()
driver.google_get("https://www.g2.com/products/github/reviews.html?page=5&product_id=github", bypass_cloudflare=True)
heading = driver.get_text('.product-head__title [itemprop="name"]')


not blocked


Botasaurus Driver provides several handy methods for web automation tasks such as:

  • Navigate to URLs:

    driver.google_get("https://www.example.com")  # Use Google as the referer [Recommended]
    driver.get_via("https://www.example.com", referer="https://duckduckgo.com/")  # Use custom referer
    driver.get_via_this_page("https://www.example.com")  # Use current page as referer
  • For finding elements:

    from botasaurus.browser import Wait
    search_results = driver.select(".search-results", wait=Wait.SHORT)  # Wait for up to 4 seconds for the element to be present, return None if not found
    search_results = driver.wait_for_element(".search-results", wait=Wait.LONG)  # Wait for up to 8 seconds for the element to be present, raise exception if not found
    hello_mom = driver.get_element_with_exact_text("Hello Mom", wait=Wait.VERY_LONG)  # Wait for up to 16 seconds for an element having the exact text "Hello Mom"
  • Interact with elements:

    driver.type("input[name='username']", "john_doe")  # Type into an input field
    driver.click("button.submit")  # Clicks an element
    element = driver.select("button.submit")
    element.click()  # Click on an element
  • Retrieve element properties:

    header_text = driver.get_text("h1")  # Get text content
    error_message = driver.get_element_containing_text("Error: Invalid input")
    image_url = driver.select("img.logo").get_attribute("src")  # Get attribute value
  • Work with parent-child elements:

    parent_element = driver.select(".parent")
    child_element = parent_element.select(".child")
    child_element.click()  # Click child element
  • Execute JavaScript:

    result = driver.run_js("return document.title")
    text_content = element.run_js("(el) => el.textContent")
  • Working with iframes:

    iframe = driver.select_iframe("#turnstile-wrapper iframe")
    text_content = iframe.select("body label").text
  • Miscellaneous:

    form.type("input[name='password']", "secret_password")  # Type into a form field
    container.is_element_present(".button")  # Check element presence
    page_html = driver.page_html  # Current page HTML
    driver.select(".footer").scroll_into_view()  # Scroll element into view
    driver.close()  # Close the browser

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Made with ❤️ using Botasaurus Web Scraping Framework