
👩‍🎤 personal dotfiles, scrambled together from the interwebz

Primary LanguageShell


👩‍🎤 personal dotfiles, scrambled together from the interwebz. Highly macOS oriented, with zsh, Homebrew.

Build Status



Clone this repository and execute the install script to symlink respective dotfiles into ~/ and run installation of Homebrew, Ruby & npm:

git clone git@github.com:kremalicious/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles


Have a look at the install.sh script to see what's happening. Installation assumes macOS and will fail on other systems.


Will update the symlinked dotfiles, useful if new dotfiles have been added:

git pull

Custom scripts

Script Description
colors.sh print out all available colors with their values in the Terminal
tor.sh start Tor and switch the system-wide proxy settings in macOS. More info
updaterepos.sh recursively updates all git repositories within the given folder
update-everything.sh update macOS, Mac App Store apps, Homebrew packages, (global) npm packages, Ruby via rvm, and refresh GPG keys all in one command. Aliased to update