Fitness Game




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List of all features can be found in GitHub's Project



Representing a surface the user is interacting with to generate or response to the sequence.


Representing the list of location that the user tapped. It can also be representing a location that user is supposed to tap.

Sequence can be near real-time or pre-recorded.

User / Account

Representing an ownership to sequence(s).

Concept to focus

  • User identification in AR/VR application.
  • Concept of user action that affect other AR/VR environment across network.


(copied from the

One sentence summary: Tapping on series of circles appearing on the wall - the game.

Use Cases (single player / non-realtime gameplay)

Core setup

  • player can place a wall down anywhere in the environment

Core gameplay

  • player can select which series of circles they want to attempt
  • player complete a series of circle appearing on the wall
  • system keep track of the scores by how much time has passed since the circle appear and the user interact with it
  • system can display the score

Series Generation

  • player can tap on the wall to start recording the series of circles
  • player can name the series and upload it for other player to attempt

Use Cases (multi-player/ realtime gameplay)

Core setup

  • user can place a wall anywhere in the environment
  • user start the match making
  • user can vote on how long the sequence is for each turn
  • user can vote on how many turn the game will be

Core gameplay

  • player take turn creating a series
  • player can response to the series create by the other player
  • system keep track of the score
  • system select the winner base on accumulation of the scores over all the turns

Challenge Use Cases

  • player can create account to associate their creation to the account and keep track of the score
  • system can log user in without them having to type in their credentials (QR code recognition from companion application? hands gesture recognition? magic wand movement login?)

Current Roadblock

  • (solved) Tapping on the "wall" does not create the event we is expecting.

Assets Contribution


How hands control work in emulator?

See how to control hands and movement in the emulator at

Which axis is forward in StereoKit?

  • Forward: -Z
  • Right: +X
  • Up: +Y
  • Floor Plane: XZ
  • RGB = XYZ


Displays an RGB/XYZ axis widget at the pose! Each line is extended along the positive direction of each axis, so the red line is +X, green is +Y, and blue is +Z. A white line is drawn along -Z to indicate the Forward vector of the pose (-Z is forward in StereoKit).\