
The Video Analysis Tool is a graphical user interface (GUI) application built using Python and Tkinter for video analysis. It allows users to select, crop, and rotate video frames, set baselines, and queue videos for analysis.


  • Video Selection: Browse and select video files for analysis.
  • Target Path Selection: Choose a directory to save the analysis results.
  • Image Cropping: Select and crop images from the video frames.
  • Image Rotation: Rotate images by a specified degree.
  • Baseline Selection: Set a baseline for the cropped image.
  • Queue Videos: Add videos to a queue for batch processing.
  • Start Analysis: Analyze queued videos with the specified parameters.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd video-analysis-tool
  2. Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended):

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
  3. Install the required packages:

    pip install tkinter
    pip install cv2


  1. Run the application:

  2. Follow the steps below to use the tool:

    • Select Video: Click on "Browse" next to "Select Video" to choose a video file.
    • Select Target Path: Click on "Browse" next to "Select Target Path" to choose a directory for saving results.
    • Crop Image: Click on "Select Image from Video" to open a video frame selection window. Choose a frame, then crop the image as needed.
    • Rotate Image: Enter the desired rotation angle in the "Rotate Image (degrees)" field and press Enter.
    • Select Baseline: Use the slider to set a baseline for the cropped image.
    • Add to Queue: Click "Add to Queue" to queue the video for analysis. The parameters will reset after adding to the queue.
    • Start Analysis: Click "Start Analysis" to analyze the queued videos.