- 2
Cannot build/install on ubuntu 20.04
#15 opened by mattvonrocketstein - 9
Failed Dependencies
#11 opened by dasunsrule32 - 0
- 5
- 3
#10 opened by dasunsrule32 - 3
- 4
Parameters in the binary file '-e <EXTRA_VARS>, --extra-vars=<EXTRA_VARS>' do not work
#8 opened by majorgearhead - 1
- 6
How to use inventory file
#6 opened by dorsany - 6
- 4
Bundle ansible-playbooks with all folders included ( like filter_plugins, callback_plugins, etc)
#5 opened by rsk - 2
- 2
RFE: Make privileged run optional
#3 opened by samvarankashyap - 3